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tooly got me thinking..

with the wonder on TMN on demand im watching alot of movies i had wanted to see in theatres but didnt for various reasons..

two of such films

FINDING NEVERLAND about the man who wrote peter pan

DOWNFALL about the last days of hitler as told by his personal secretary

what movies have just blown you away or surpassed your expectations

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Crash did as of late. (surpassed my expectations)

I'm not really a movie goer and usually forget about those i'd like to see by the time they are out on dvd and I tune people out when they talk about movies they see because I prefer going into movies knowing nothing about them. Anyway my boss recommended it not too long ago and I was thinking meh because a) we don't have the same tastes and B) the preview i had remembered was just sandra bullock and that encino man guy walking towards Ludicrous and that other guy - basically she holds her husband a bit closer closer and ludicrous comments on the fact that she does it because they are black - then they thing busted out guns. So anyway in my opinion the trailor did nothing for the movie - didn't make me even think about watching it. And I heard nothing about it at all until said boss said rent it.

Again in the movie store i was still like meh but needed something to watch after I watched the exorcisim of emily rose at home by myself so I grabbed Crash as a follow up in case emily rose scared the bejezuz out of me.

after watching it I can honestly recommend it as a movie that FAR surpassed my expectations. Really made me think alot about even my own way of thinking.

perhaps this is old news and everyone has seen it already but in my opinion if you haven't seen it it's worth a watch.

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definitly reccommend what the bleep do we know

also, this is an oldie but a goodie, eternal sunshine for the spotless mind w/jim carrey

my girlfriend LOVED the constant gardener

lord of war was very good, subtle messages beneath the gunfire, loved it

crash was pretty darn good too

the island tour dvds never dissappoint either, unless you dont like phish

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I concur on "Crash".. there were some scenes in that movie that absolutely blew me away.

"American History X" - the most gruesome scene I have ever EVER seen in a movie.. where he bites the curb. agh i still get shivers.

for the ladies, "Mermaids".. this movie will sit in my heart forever.

"Bram Stoker's Dracula" - one of my all time favourite movies.

any Indiana Jones movie.

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"American History X" - the most gruesome scene I have ever EVER seen in a movie.. where he bites the curb. agh i still get shivers.

ah yes -cringe- good movie but again -cringe-

realizing limited my movie watching has been trying think of good movies and well i haven't seen that many. ah well.

but i seem to recall really enjoying "In the Name of the Father" with daniel day-lewis. anyone remember that

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Walk The Line exceeded my expectations and in a way, I liked more than Ray simply because I like Cash's music better. It's not a better bio-pic than Ray because it never really delves into Johnny's creativity as a songwriter and it skirts over significant periods of his life, especially in the 60's. But I love the relationship angle that Walk The Line presents. The performance elements also give the movie an edgy energy that tops Ray's lip-synching.

Another movie that exceeded my expectations was the restored director's cut of Sam Peckinpah's classic modern western The Wild Bunch. Great cast, great story and "great" displays of bloodletting.

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definitly reccommend what the bleep do we know

Now that's an eye opener Tooly. I've wathced it 4 times now.

I'd also reccomend...

PIE (the symbol) - it's a movie done by the same director as Reqieum For A Dream, which is also a stellar film if you haven't seen it.

Mullholland Drive or any other David Lynch movie if you like the mind fucking style he has. Some other movies by said director include but not limited to... The Lost Highway, Wild At Heart, Twin Peaks.

Waking Life - is a good flick

Where the Buffalo Roam

Any Kubrick Movie - The Shining, 2001 Space Odyssey, Dr. StrangeLove, Eyes Wide Shut.

If you have yet to see the retort to Michael Moores Farenheit 911, Farenhype 911 I reccomened that. It's a good watch.

I could go on but I will stop now.

Oh.. The Closing of Winterland.

that is all

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I've got a poor memory, so I can't think of any offhand. But I back the recommendations for American History X and PIE. I totally want to check out DIG now, on Pablo's recommendation.

Also - Velvet Goldmine, because it is, quite frankly, the greatest movie ever made ;)

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also, this is an oldie but a goodie, eternal sunshine of the spotless mind w/jim carrey


lord of war was very good, subtle messages beneath the gunfire, loved it


the island tour dvds never dissappoint either, unless you dont like phish

Fuck do I ever want those. I have the last show downloading now but I think it's going to take a week and I'll still need the other ones.

If you like tragedy type movies see House of Sand and Fog but be warned, it is not a happy cheery movie.

If you like cars, see Gone in 60 Seconds but crank the volume. The engines sound soooooooo nice.

It was mentioned above as well but another of my choices is Waking Life. Some great discussions but also some AMAZING eye candy for good stoned watching.

Walk the Line of course. I've seen it twice now and I still can't believe how well Joaquin Phoenix and Reese Witherspoon pull off their parts. They do their own singing!!

I'm going to watch Syriana tonight as I think it's looks pretty good.

The Life Aquatic with Steve Zissou. Even if you don't like the movie, it's worth watching for the glocks and the wicked music.

That's about all I can think of at the moment.

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Reqieum For A Dream - now that was a good one!!!

If you liked that be sure to check out Pie. The movie is titled with the mathematic symbol but my computer knowledge is very limited and I have no interests in expanding it. The symbol could be right infront of me on the keyboard. Fucked if I know.

Pie. ..is by the same director as Reqieum. Killer movie. Pretty intense and quite believable also. It deals with a guy attempting figure out the pattern of the numbers in the stock market. That's all I'll say.

Boiler Room is also a good movie, for those of you that have yet to see it.

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The Three Burials of Melquiades Estrada

This is a pretty new movie, not even sure if its been through the theatres yet or not.. Its awesome!! I was sick last week and needed some movies to watch. Selections being limited in Korea, I've taken to downloading movies using Bit Torrent. I just went to the Sundance Film Festival site and looked up recent big winners and this movie was at the top.

It takes place on the Texas/Mexico border.. Starring Tommy Lee Jones and some others, with a small part for Levon Helm. TWO THUMBS UP!

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