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Straight to hell, Flute Girl


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You know, I had an opinion on Flute Girl. My opinion was that she was incredibly disrespectful to both artists and audiences alike and very, very annoying.

Now, should I meet her, I will shake my fist of fury in her direction and mutter flute-related slurs under my breath. Damn you, Flute Girl, damn you to hell!!

She's ruined the flute for me...I realized it yesterday as I listened to the recent Trey show from Vermont.....sitting in my office, music loud (sweeeeeeeeet), wholly enjoying myself, when suddenly the (formerly) sweet sounds of flute filled the air...I cringed! My face contorted!! I can no longer handle anything flute.

(First person who makes a skin flute joke wins a prize!)

Anyone else have one person ruin their enjoyment of an instrument or entire class of music??

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I was thinking poeple should all bring instruments to shows in hopes of being labeled after it. eg. Guitar boy or tuba guy or oboe dude or saxaphone sally. Wouldn't that just be the coolest. So start going to shows with your instrument before someone else gets a jump on you headdie instrument name

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At my 1st Phish show (Niagara Falls - Dec. 95), a teenage wookie a couple rows over banged mindlessly on a tambourine for a large part of the show.

There's a Hamilton scene-ster (good guy, to be fair) who enjoys "jamming" with bands on his harmonica. From the audience.

Another time at Pepper Jack's, some meathead played spoons at the bar while otherwise ignoring Doug Feaver's playing on the stage. People just glared at him, but he thoughtfully kept going. What a chump.

Completely obnoxious behaviour.


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Monday night at a large outdoor party a group of 3 slurrrrrly dudes decided to wail away on a large conga infront of the stage during Wassabi's set. Couldn't hit a beat if they tried....lots of people glaring and what not....noise, noise noise....I hope they got the message, they soon left there after....le booo, le grand boo!

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Dave-O...that was your cue [smile]

Yeah, I'll never forget the drum banging set up right in front of Jay's kit. Drumkid was grabbing sticks and smashing Jay's cymbels all over the place, to a point where Jay was performing "stick blocks". It was kind of priceless. All of the peace-loving folks putting up with it for so long. Reba took care of it for us though.

Kung wouldn't have stood for it I'm sure.

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the notion of a person named "flute girl", brings a simmering hatred to the front burner within me.

You wonder why "we"- being jamfans- get lumped in as a bunch of drug addled, wishy-washy, culties? MAYBE BECAUSE WE TOLERATE PEOPLE SUCH AS FLUTE GIRL!!!

I consider myself to be a relaxed, friendly, tolerant individual....but flute girl???? Oh no my friends, this is a pill that I will not swallow!

I suggest that next time Flute Girl makes an uninvited appearance, she should be introduced to ChloroformBoy....and then maybe relocate her to antarctica..or maybe the nearest storage locker.

Just because we are hippies, or jamband freaks or whatever the @$%@#$@ we are...this does not mean that we have to encourage a bunch of sociopathic losers!!

flute girl, drum boy, fuck kid, shit man....burn in hell!!!

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Hey Stoned, what Trey show are you talking about, cause if it's this years, I don't think she was there, at least I didn't see her. I don't know whats more irratating her playing during shows or the hype surrounding her (ie. article in Relix) But we shouldn't be too mean, she's a nice kid, she's just not to bright, she's sooo spaced out she doesn't realize how much she's pissing people off. No matter what your prob with Govinda is ya gotta admit, you wouldn't mind waking up the next morning and seeing those wings lying in a heep on the floor, huh eh eh, am I right wink wink saynomore!

she's even got a website -


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I fucking hate when people write about themselves as if someone else. It's so fucking egotistical. Her site rwads like she is someone you shoul now.

I got hired to do a website by this montreal performer calls herslf Cleopatra. Now Ibusted out fast without working for her but if you want a laugh, check out her site (I have nothing to do with it). Esp. the Charts section. This women is a total head-case.


I can assure you nothing on that site is true. Total nut-job. She forgot I quit and called me about the job again the next day. I was like "umm.." and she was like shit and hung-up. Also be sure to read the bio and the accomplishments...fuckit read it all for giggles. [Wink]

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Hmmmm, there used to be a flute girl who'd come and sit in with acts at the Free Times in Toronto - a really hippie girl who could, well, sort of play the flute. To be fair to her, I only ever saw her get on stage at open jam nights, and at Free Times generally it's more acceptable to get up an jam with a lot of acts than some places.

I'll have to watch for this flute girl, be funny if he was the same one. I take it she was at CTMF?


Mr. M.

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The flute girl to whom I'm referring shows up at high profile shows all over the northeast (mostly) and somehow finds a way to get onstage, regardless of whether the band wants her or not...she's been known to just walk on, sweet talk her way on, or sneak on...

There was an article in Relix about her a couple of months back. She's pretty much uniformly despised amongst fans and most of the letters to Relix the following month were astounded that Relix seemed to be supporting what she did.

She showed up at the Jammy's in the fall, they kicked her out from back stage more than once, and she somehow got onstage. The artists were NOT PLEASED (according to a friend of mine who was one of the orgaziners of the event).

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One time The New Deal was playing at The Keg in Guelph and this dude squeezed his way up to the front row and starting playing along on his djembe. I can't remember if it sounded at all decent, but the band scoffed him and told him to fuck off. Then he proceeded to just stand there motionless at front row centre, arms folded and really pissed off, and he just glared hatingly at the band for about 10 minutes then stormed away.

Dumb bastard!

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  • 3 weeks later...

So I was at the Gathering of the Vibes last weekend, having a great time…a bunch of us were chillin’ under our giant canopy after Particle on Friday night….some weird, random dude had situated himself in our tent and decided he was to be the entertainment for our group for that evening….(oh, it was bad)…anyway, it seemed like our tent was the place to be…we had about 20 people under the canopy on lawn chairs, and tons more people were milling around outside…

Suddenly, I glance into the corner of the tent, and who should be standing there but FLUTE GIRL!!!

Oh, dear god.

Now, it was altogether possible at this juncture in the evening that I was the only one seeing this hideously haunting apparition (it was that kind of night)…but nooooooo..other people saw her too, and then she started playing!

It was way, way, way too bizarre. Especially after seeing that Santa Dwarf when I ventured down to see James Brown…just one freaky thing after another….

And as for the bad guitar player, he was like the Vegas lounge act of the jam-fest circuit…all the Phish songs you used to know and love but at three times the tempo they were ever intended to be played!

Waste is not a disco song! Heavy Things is already pretty peppy, why oh why would you speed it up even more!?? And I don’t know if I can ever listen to AC/DC Bag again….

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personally, if flute girl tried to play with my band i'd let her. She's pretty cute. the worst thing that'd happen is me telling her to ask ahead of time and practice a song with us to actually know the song and play it properly.

and for the record, skelter, that was a skin flute comment, not a joke...

it's still open.

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