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QotD 2006-05-18 Get-yer-drunk-on Bands


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At Slowcoaster last night, I commented to someone that, of all the bands I see these days, Slowcoaster is at the top of the list of bands when they're ranked by how much they make me want to drink heavily. I don't know what it is about their music, but while I'm listening to it played live at a bar, I want to just keep pouring beers down my throat. I managed to to keep it pretty mild last night (even milder than I do at some of the bands further down the list), but still, the drive was there. (Luckily, I didn't get into my habit of buying myself a beer whenever I got a set list entry right...I learned that lesson at several nero shows late in 2004...)

So, for you, does the drive to drink vary from band to band? Which band is highest on the list?



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hahahahahaha, took the words right outta my fingertips. i ended up sacrificing a virgin listen to "leave deaner alone" to continue waiting in line for watered down american beer.

i find diesel dog goes really well with beer.

so do the sex pistols. especially splashing molson amphitheatre jumbo cups & the desire to hurl them at passers-by. oy! oy! oy!

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I always seem to get super pissed at Burt Neilson shows, Big Friendly almost got me to wear a pink womans bnb shirt for a set, and I think I got booted from a bar in Calgary when seeing them once, and the Ho is always hazy.

Ween and the Fantasy Land Hotel mixed well.

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two more 50's in the case

two more 50's ill be shitfaced!

ive never heard a bluegrass band cover the ace of spades until greg introduced me to jughead. fuckin love em now.

gourds, for fucking sure.

diesel dog and fatties are both great drinkin bands

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but last night, Slowcoaster made me pound beers down my throat to quote you bradm, and made me hurt big time all day at work today :(...man they are great though!!!what a solid sound!


maybe it was cause the band was drinkin heavy themselves..inbetween songs they would keep asking for more "delicious 50"

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