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Voted Off The Island (Kung Ejected From Hillside)


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Hey GS (You know you've arrived when you're already just initials...)

None of us defend Luke's actions, we defend Luke.

You didn't only attack Lukes actions...

You should know that a large number of us do know each other personally, and do attend shows, and yes, festivals together. This is not just a collective of personas. We're not just defending an imaginary friend.

I agree with you that people do need to speak out about respectful behavior at festivals. Now that I attend festivals with a child, I am wary of folks who are inconsiderate and rough, by my perspective (which could be anyone partying). On the other hand I respect their right to party so I maintain a safe distance. I think its important we dont impose our ideas of an acceptable 'good time' on others. Repectful behavior is absolutely necessary, so speak about it.

I think as long as you dont attack someone's character or joke about mental illness, we'll all get along swimmingly...

Cheers and truce.

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Who is the author of that quote Brad, that is just perfect.

I heard today and last night various accounts of people hearing part of what happened around Guelph. One thing going was that I had gotten kicked out for doing cartwheels which I had done like one, actually an Au but that's portugese for cartwheel. I was playing a bit of Capoeira in the Kaba Horo set and the funny thing is- there was lot's and lot's of room by the stage and I was no where near anyone. Capoeira is also all about passing kicks very closely to the person you're playing with, not good when you're schwilly but I don't play schwilly. I was actually really tame Sunday, lot's of ginseng, coffee, tea, juice, veggies, water, royal jelly, mushrooms (not lots just a little), lots of pot though really little booze though. Anyways the funny thing is this father with his two girls was egging me on- like doing the rolling cartwheel gesture with his forefinger and nodding his head like 'give'r'- I was sort of like 'no, not really'

with a nod.

A lot of different perspectives here. The thing that made me feel a bit better about it was seeing the picture and how everyone is just zoned on the music and oblivious to me, even the one girl huli said wants to kill me was probably just looking at the photographer- the look on her face doesn't seem connected to me. Plus GS conceded that bands likely played louder, harder, faster as a result of my dancing- I always see it as a crank motor between the band and audience and it takes a few revs to turn over. That would mean everyone's ears benefit and above all it's everyone's ears that were engaged. That seems to have come at a cost for a very small and very vocal few (the moral minority) but really only their eyes were offended if at all.

Just for another kick at the can here's another thought I had today. If you're at a Broken Social Scene show, a harder and harder ticket to come by, and the band implores the audience to dance and not even their heroes can get them to who is more self-conscious the dancing fool or the shoegazer? I mean that's a profound point, there is something really pompous, really cliquey, really exclusive, really unnerving and really lame in the indy rock world and a geekish level of self-consciousness (shame?) and poseurism seems to be close to its heart.

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and God knows there are countless other examples of his nastiness, like the time he spit on his finger and rolled it around the top of my friends beer at the Trash one night).


You must have been drinking wheinekin that night to wash down your whaaamburgers and french cries! Seriously, it's tight-ass, cry baby, bandwagon hopping, knowitall students like you that make me wanna pack up my shit and move out of Guelph again! You're lucky it was Zero at the Trash that night, I would've spit in your eye and TAKEN the fuckin' beer!

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- Symptom: Random, unfamiliar and often obscure literary and cultural references (Note: Put the world’s 10 most brilliant people in a room together and their scaffolds of knowledge will differ more than they overlap. Being brilliant, they will likely reference areas of commonality not divergence in order to foster clearer communication. I suppose a “Shock and Awe†campaign might be used by brilliant people, but to what end? What was that brilliant U.S. Commander in Chief’s name again?)

- Symptom: Constantly making reference to, and ensuring recognition of, every reference that could possibly be considered complimentary to, or positively reflect upon, himself. Often inflating these complimentary statements to the level of “admirationâ€.

-Symptom: Going to extremes in public places and virtual venues, like this message board, to be noticed.

- Symptom: Extremely verbose responses to every mention of his name. Systematically absorbing, digesting and regurgitating every last bit of attention being offered.

- Symptom: Comparing himself, or pouncing on every comparison made of himself, to real or fictitious characters. Characters whom he obviously respects and admires. Followed by his weakest arguments to-date attempting to prove the comparison inaccurate. An obvious and sophomoric attempt to appear unique and original, a quality he feels greatly admired amongst his audience, and therefore feels compelled to personify. Still, however, ensuring the comparison not be overlooked or missed by anyone in the “Villageâ€.

I could go on, but even the most widely used diagnostic and statistical manual for the determination of mental illness requires fewer than five symptoms to meet the criteria for most conditions. Therefore, this should be adequate to prove my point unequivocally. What that “point†is, I leave for the reader to decide. I wouldn’t want to insult anyone.

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hey zero, the revolver is no big f'n deal to me. It does not send any false messages to the young or the old, is sounds like it was mearly just a creative costume idea to some fun to the atmosphere! Guelphstudent has a severe case of the "overreactions" and should chill down and quite bringing bad karma to the table with the personal insults to zero. It was a Fucking Toy Gun!

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"Tomorrow I'm going to wade through a crowd of people in the middle of the day with a toy gun. I will be on drugs for the third day in a row. I will point said gun at people I don't really know too well, if at all."

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hey zero, the revolver is no big f'n deal to me. It does not send any false messages to the young or the old, is sounds like it was mearly just a creative costume idea to some fun to the atmosphere! Guelphstudent has a severe case of the "overreactions" and should chill down and quite bringing bad karma to the table with the personal insults to zero. It was a Fucking Toy Gun!

Perhaps there could have been more appropriate costume ideas which could also have added some fun to the atmosphere.

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hey zero' date=' the revolver is no big f'n deal to me. It does not send any false messages to the young or the old, is sounds like it was mearly just a creative costume idea to some fun to the atmosphere! Guelphstudent has a severe case of the "overreactions" and should chill down and quite bringing bad karma to the table with the personal insults to zero. It was a Fucking Toy Gun! [/quote']

Perhaps there could have been more appropriate costume ideas which could also have added some fun to the atmosphere.

how about this?


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hey zero' date=' the revolver is no big f'n deal to me. It does not send any false messages to the young or the old, is sounds like it was mearly just a creative costume idea to some fun to the atmosphere! Guelphstudent has a severe case of the "overreactions" and should chill down and quite bringing bad karma to the table with the personal insults to zero. It was a Fucking Toy Gun! [/quote']

Perhaps there could have been more appropriate costume ideas which could also have added some fun to the atmosphere.

or this... cday29.jpg

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Okay this is fucking disturbing. The pumpkinhead guy is right I mean I am manic or hypomanic right now as a result of debauchery, seasonal change, overexcitement, stress, inadequite rest/diet. I don't think his point was to be helpful and alert me to the DSM4 statistical self-diagnosis section though. Just seems prickish- I mean prickish but true but prickish. Plus the whole point of a thread like this is take on all comers- which I'd note I'm doing a good job of.

Oh and then there's the bit about how the whole jamband scene in Canada and this online community has really been tanking a bit for the last little while and how this is one of the more interesting things to come along the board in a while. I just mean that it's interesting as a slice of life no big conspiracy.

Here's one thing that really bothers me though is that any other generation than this and so-called mania would be called madness, elation, shamanism, being 'touched'. I don't know not to just lay more cultural references on the table but I've been reading Foucault lately (Discipline and Punish not Madness and Civilization) and his whole essentially Neitzschean trip is that there is something very profound, a double bind, about how society contains the 'other' (leper, insane, retarded etc.) yet uses them as an emblem for redemption. Like the leper has to be turned away to vouchsafe the fact that he is touched by God. That probably sounds really weird but there is a lot that can be said about the way society contains deviants.

It was a fucking toy gun, I heard people around town calling it the 'wooden gun' last night for the record so people who saw this very very limited encounter definitely thought it was something laughable and not a threat in the least.

MarcO I love you and you're normally dead on but you have this somewhat off. It really wasn't some yahoo waving around madness it was a totally goofy non-starter. It just was you'll have to believe me. The subtler point is I was in some peril and may have put others in peril and oddly they may have been showing me compassion through cruelty although more in an inept hippy non-profit board way than a zen monk way.

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i think the gun was a bad choice.

but i don't think it warrants this thread. this is ridiculous.

i'm going to side with newrider. don't whine.. it makes me whince. if someone spits in your beer, spit in their face.

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...when moving in traffic you're at the helm, you are a passenger or maybe you're asleep in the back. Someone cuts you off and you can get upset, hammer down the pedal, shout, whatever but they're in control of you now. Who's hands are on the wheel? One jerk reaction and Lazlo might wake up...

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