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Happy Birthday Pablo Sanchez


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Happy 30th Birthday (42 minutes late), Dave.

I hope that you had a great day. I look forward to seeing you and lifting a celebratory drink in your honour.

You also have the distinction of sharing your birthday with Albert Hofmann, who turned 102.

Have a great year from your friends Asparagus, Northern Wish, The Sloth, Stapes, and Del.

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::lights up for b-day celebrations::

Dave, thanks for giving me another reason for cracking a beer and watching more Radiohead. I'll try and get to 30 brews but we both know the truth how this will end.

B to the E to the R to the E to the E to the R.

I hope we didn't wake Lara and the little one with our call........ Stapes would not take no for an answer.

You guys are fucking dumb.

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