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Happy Birthday Jaydawg!


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Thanks everybody! I had one of the best birthday parties ever! Life is good! I'm sure that 2008 is going to be a great year for me. (2007 had it's ups and downs!) I definitely had a moment - "It's good to be me."

So I was the musical director for the Bob Marley Birthday Tribute at Lee's Palace on the day of my birthday/ My parents, my brother and his fiancee, my sister and her husband plus my new girlfriend came out to the soundcheck and we had a great feast with the cast of the show which included my good friends from the Irie Band, my high school friend Mike Field on trumpet as well some of Toronto's best singers - Meghan Kelday, King Selah, Micheal Garrick, Organs etc...

So after the feelgood pre-party people started coming in quickly and by the time we started to the show it was getting packed!

Basically I got to rip it up on guitar all night, which is one of my favorite things to do period, especially to a wicked crowd who danced from song one at 10 pm till 2:15 am.

My whole crew of friends from High School showed up (which was a pretty big surprise because I hadn't personally invited them to the show) as well as so many people from the Toronto Music Scene.

Between sets I was getting a lot of compliments from my rifss and solos - someone commented that they saw the Classic Albums live note for note Bob Marley show and that the emotion I was putting into the guitar surpassed anything they saw at that show. After playing guitar now for 17 years - I fell like I'm at the top of my game.

I was a bit frustrated trying to get all the musicians ready on to take the stage at the start of the night and after our break at midnite - Musicians can be like kittens. You can put them all in a room and they'll all wander off in their own directions. We also had a couple rewinds ~ which is when the singer stops the song and starts it again - the band recreated the sound of a record being spun back to the start of the song. Sometime it's "It's so nice - we do it twice" - but sometimes it's that the band started the song a bit weak - It can be a bit annoying - but it's entirely a Jamaican thing that both the bands and Djs love to do.

Also we focused on Bob's lesser known material to a degree - I think the crowd would have liked to have us play Three Little Birds, Stirr it up and Buffalo solider instead of songs like Soul Rebel, Trenchtown Rock, Livey up Yourself.

At the tail end of the night - our host introduced some singer I had never heard - and he gets up to the mic - while I'm bewildered - and says Natural Mystic - a song we've never played or practicied - we launched into it without any hesitation ~ all the while I'm realizing that someone has just ganged out show!!!

All in all we had a great night - it was pretty much a sold out night at Lee's Palace - I got to rock out with the Rastas and we really started to get a good group sound for the new band I've rekindled called "The House of David Gang"

Basically the rocky road of being in a reggae band in 2007 with our accidedn and the unstability of lead singer - led to he break up of the Irie Band in November. With the remaining members and in addition of two keyboard players, two lead/back up singers Meghan Kelday and King Selah and a horn section (trumpet / Trombone) we've reformed as a reggae orchestra with some great originals and very steeped in the music of the Wailers (Bob Marley, Peter Tosh and Bunny Wailer). We've toured to Montreal, Peterborough and Toronto and we all felt like we accomplished something big.

So it was great to see this band light up the stage with such confidence - we'd been rehearsing for 6 weeeks straight - and I thought we did great!

I hope you all have birthdays as good as mine - something out of your wildest dreams!

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