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I wish the computer had never been invented.


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I'm glad computers were invented solely on how they played a key role in me being able to still walk and not lose use from my waist down due to the cancer that was in my spinal column killing the nerves. Besides the computers used in the medical equipment, they also allowed very quick communication (text, voice and graphical) between my doctors in different cities to help aid in diagnosing my condition and determining the best course of action promptly, as my condition was time sensitive - two weeks or a month later and I would have been a paraplegic.

Hell yeah, I'm glad they were invented.

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'On screen, Dick Van Dyke has been rescued from untimely death by flying cars and magical nannies. Off screen, the veteran star of Chitty Chitty Bang Bang and Mary Poppins had to rely on the help of a pod of porpoises after apparently dozing off aboard his surfboard. "I'm not kidding," he said afterwards. Van Dyke's ordeal began during an ill-fated trip to his local beach. "I woke up out of sight of land," the 84-year-old actor told reporters. "I started paddling with the swells and I started seeing fins swimming around me and I thought 'I'm dead!'" Van Dyke was wrong. "They turned out to be porpoises," he said. "And they pushed me all the way to shore." - The Guardian.

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I know that I communicate with most of you exclusively via the computer and I realise that I met most of you due in some part at least to computering, and it was to that issue that I directed the "Nothing personal" comment, though I don't have a vendetta against any computer in particular.

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