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Human cheese


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"This spreadable deliciousness is a human-goat blend, made from two wonderful milks. A playful Vermont mountain goat herd milk tangos with the milk of a sweet lawyer's assistant."

Ahhh sooo creepy!

HA! I was totally picturing you and Lambert mowing on Grilled Human-Cheeses...

haha...naw, really though, if it melts real nice I probably wouldn't know the difference.

Unless maybe there was a nursing mother watching me with great interest.

"mmmm!!! gahd- thats so good!!'

"he likes it.. I knew it'

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How to Make Great Fresh Mozzarella Cheese

This has been Revised a little bit because some people have had a little trouble with the original. Even I had a few bad batches. The main differences are the times in the microwave. Follow the instructions carefully and you should end up with an almost 100% foolproof batch of Mozzarella Cheese

If you like fresh home made Mozzarella Cheese then try out this Instructable. If you have never had fresh Mozzarella Cheese, try it out any way. There is a world of difference between the packages stuff you buy in the store and the cheese you make yourself. It will only take a couple hours out of your life but it will be well worth it.

There are a lot of recipes on the internet but a lot of them seem to skip an important step or 2 or don't really explain it well enough, so I have made many batches through trial and error combining things that I have learned and experimented with (so you don't have to) and come up with this recipe that seems to work real good.

There are also a lot of recipes out there saying make Mozzarella Cheese in 30 minutes. Realistically, it ain't gonna happen if you want to do it right. Plan on it taking about an hour and a half to 2 hours. As you make more batches you can cut it down to maybe an hour or so.

I use whole milk for mine but you should be able to use skimmed, 1%, or 2% milk also. If you have access to farm fresh milk your even better off and I'm jealous. You can also use human, goat, buffalo or camel milk.

step 1 Equipment you will need:

1. At least an 8 quart pot either enameled or stainless steel. (Do not use aluminum, cast iron or other reactive pots)

2. Thermometer. (A candy thermometer will probably work but a good digital thermometer is much better for accuracy.)

3. A couple measuring cups or something to dissolve the Citric Acid and Rennet in.

4. A big strainer to strain the Curds from the Whey.

5. A long sharp knife to cut the Curds up with.

6. A slotted spoon to stir the Curds and dip them out with.

7. Large bowl for the drained off Whey. (Glass is best)

8. Small bowl to put the Curds in. (Glass is best)

9. Microwave

10. Breast pump


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"This spreadable deliciousness is a human-goat blend' date=' made from two wonderful milks. A playful Vermont mountain goat herd milk tangos with the milk of a sweet lawyer's assistant."

Ahhh sooo creepy!


HA! I was totally picturing you and Lambert mowing on Grilled Human-Cheeses...

Yeah after he read the article he was looking at me kinda funny....

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