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Everything posted by Ms.Huxtable

  1. I have a food related confession as well. On Saturday I was blindfolded and someone fed me FLUFF, the marshmallow in a jar stuff. I liked it.
  2. If an office can ban perfumes and other "offensive scents" they should ban french fries and popcorn as well. They are down right torturous if you're not the one eating them.
  3. www.mintosuitehotel.com PM me and I'll give you details on reserving under the friends and family rate.
  4. The last episode made it seem like it was over for good as well. I won't say how for hte people that haven't seen it, but it really did.
  5. Hmmm that Amal movie looks interesting. Good find Velvet.
  6. wait.... I missed this? I would have added one to the stream. I'm going to be on a train in a bit. If I can get a connection, I'll setup a live ustream and post the details. Imagine me streaming from a moving train dude!
  7. Oh man! Now you tell me. It's Friday! By the time next week rolls around I will have no doubt forgotten (I plan on wrecking a few brain cells this weekend).
  8. I think you mean twatter. it's hard to keep up.
  9. I'm wondering how it was useful as hell to someone sitting at home during the shows as well. Do tell dear.
  10. Has anyone read the book or seen the movie? What did you think? I watched the movie last night and really liked it. A great story.
  11. This story has had my stomach churning today. Not that I'm particularly a fan of hers, but just that it's a reminder of how fragile life is and that head injuries (no matter how minor they may seem) are serious business. I've had too many head injuries to count so this shakes me up. The story.
  12. You mean your "drums" in order? Where's BradM on this? Must I do everything?
  13. Funny, I was just sifting through Slip and SMMD stuff on YouTube this morning. I miss them.
  14. It's not normal for anyone to be at ease 10 days into a new job let alone with a million people judging your every move. He'll get it.
  15. That seems weird to me. Arrested development made that kid a star, you'd think he'd be more grateful toward the project. I'm looking forward to this.
  16. Ah fack. Now I have to watch Leno.
  17. Wowee wow wow. This totally made my Friday night. INCREDIBLE. 7 more DVDs to go.
  18. Ms.Huxtable


    I love it! Damn they all looked good to me!
  19. I haven't tried it, but I don't see why you would. I think the flavor would get lost. It's better served in the filling or sauce in my opinion but experimenting is what it's all about.
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