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Everything posted by Jaimoe

  1. The coverage and procession down University Ave. was stunning.
  2. The Tea Party? Or have you always hated them? Ha ha! No, I've always hated them. I agree with Velvet on Green Day. I never liked them in the '90s, but I like them now.
  3. Jaimoe circa 2008 :bonghit: Evil Urges is a disappointment, but it has some really good songs. It isn't bad, but not as good as their other 4 LPs. Yes, KOL were a good band back in 2003/4. They got bad pretty fast after that. I've grown to hate other bands too that I once liked and vice versa.
  4. I'd see Gaga in concert over shit "hip" bands such as The Killers and Kings of Leon. I hate Gaga's music with a passion, but it is catchy and she can sing in key while putting on a visually stunning show. Ke$ha she ain't. As for MMJ, they are in the studio recording their follow-up to the disappointing Evil Urges. The recording sessions are reportedly going on in a church and are done live with few multi-tracks and overdubs. Can't wait!
  5. Gaga also has surrounded herself with the top producers and hitmakers - she gets first crack at the A material. She is a chameleon which will help her longevity, along with her audacious personnas.
  6. Not all frames are made equal. You can get junk from Ikea and Costco or decide to use better quality at a specialty store, but you'll pay more (obviously). In some cases, it's worth the extra cost.
  7. I have dozens of limited edition concert prints and have been getting them framed ever-so-slowly over the years: All are framed using UV-protected glass, which I recommend. Posters will fade due to sunlight, so UV protection is a must. As chains go, Michaels does a good job with framing. I look at concert posters as art, so getting quality framing (and frames) is important.
  8. Jaimoe

    True Grit

    I'm a fan of the original and can't wait to see this one. Love westerns.
  9. I'm sure Yours Truly will say you don't need it.
  10. They already looked drunk during their on-ice celebration.
  11. For me, that was the best moment in Jays history.
  12. Canada played tight from the start; they looked like the Americans did when they played us. In the end, the Russians wanted it more. Canada's D was across the board terrible.
  13. Just to be safe, cops should just arrest anyone driving a BMW. Fucking pricks of the road.
  14. Too bad Stieb will never get into the Hall. He was one of the most dominating pitchers of his era. Jack Morris deserves to be in the Hall, but not as a Jay, obviously. Dave Van Horne gets in over Tom Cheek? Fuck off. If anything, they should be both there.
  15. I'm just purging the CDs I never want to hear again (add Leftover Salmon, SCI and WSP into the mix) along with some albums I have multiple copies of. I still buy and listen to CDs and have an iPod and MP3 player. I just don't have room for 1000 of them anymore. Moving back with the missus = downsizing. Her CDs are next on the chopping block... hopefully starting with Tea Party (her being a fan is reason enough for divorce) and Smashing Pumpkins.
  16. I play hockey on Saturday night, but should be around for the rest of the weekend. Maybe by then I'll find some more CDs to purge, and I know I have lots, especially of the jam variety.
  17. I got an external hard-drive for X-mas and if I can't sell some at my local indie music store, anyone who wants some CDs I think are sucky, can pick them up at my place in Toronto (I'll have more to give away in a month as I downsize and get rid of stuff I never listen to and probably never will again): Galactic, North Mississippi Allstars (Polaris), Moe. (Wormwood), Phish and that terrible Betts ABB swansong @ the Beacon along with some double-dip casulties such as The Who @ the Isle of Wight DVD, Who's Next, Live at Leeds. I'd also part with Steel Wheels and some Dylan biographies, but the latter I'd like to give to Greg "Esau". And POG has dibs on my Moe. tour shirt.
  18. A great show is a great show, regardless of the band or genre. I've been won over attending concerts by artists I don't like (and still don't ) such as Sinead O'Connor and Tori Amos. Anyway, I hear that both Edward Sharpe and the Magnetic Zeros shows were hard to beat this year, especially the one at Lee's Palace.
  19. Pretty interesting list. Iggy & The Stooges was one of the year's best, but the locale sucked and if you weren't up close, chances are you didn't see the stage - count me the latter. Still, the band was tight and Iggy plus James Williamson were in fine form. I think the Dead Weather at the Sound Academy was fucking amazing, made more so because the notoriously shitty venue wasn't really a factor. The Black Keys twofer at the nearly as shitty Kool Haus also deserves some mention as does The National at Massey Hall (I'm not a big fan, but the concert was killer). I regret not skipping work for any of those Arcade Fire shows; same with M.I.A. BSS are pretty boring, but great in concert.
  20. In a way, I work for Bell, but I'll stick with Rogers. I know their transmission is more reliable (I deal with Roges/Bell on a regular basis at work). I like that Rogers offers you more new channels. Both Bell and Rogers are similar in the good vs bad comparisons. One way to save money is to find/provide evidence of a deal offered by either Bell or Rogers such as a newspaper ad or flyer. I got a flyer a year ago from Bell that offered a pretty good deal, so I called up Rogers and complained. Rogers reduced my bill by 30% and threw in my HD box free for a year. Make sure you keep the flyer/ad handy if you want to re-negotiate via phone or in person.
  21. I had lunch at a pub at the harbour in North Rustico. Nice village. Some of these photos are shocking.
  22. I'd advise not feeding cats the shitty cheapo food (such as Whiskas) flooding the shelves of big grocery stores such as Loblaws. I feed my little monsters Wellness (both soft and dry - all natural). I also stick to the same flavour to avoid any "mishaps".
  23. The Black Keys just did a kicking tribute of a Beefheart classic:
  24. Sad news indeed. Don battled MS for decades. He was a terrific modern/progressive bluesman and an interesting painter/artist for sure. I'm going to miss this madman, although I never could get into Trout Mask Replica (I prefer his less experiental stuff). I'd love to hear Tom Waits cover some of his tunes.
  25. Take the cat to the vet, or at least call them (it may save you money too). Cats are the best.
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