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The "Why" thread...


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why can't someone just give me twenty million dollars so i can do whatever i please for the rest of my life and never worry about money again?

why do some really good people have to have jobs with really stupid hours that make them miss out on fun things?

why hasn't someone invented an inexpensive, completely safe and easily accessible teleporter yet?

why does the weekend have to seem so far away?

why are work weeks 5 days long instead of 3 or even 4?

why does being a grownup have to be such a pain in the ass sometimes?

why is everyone in pretty much every aspect of the automotive industry out to rip you off?

why do insurance companies suck so much ass?

why oh why do parking tickets HAVE to exist?


whew, that was great, thanks for the "whyne"...heehee

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I can answer that one... because 25 people came to see him play in Toronto in 2001 on a double bill with Charlie Hunter for $15 at the door!!!

Right but that was a Charlie Hunter show with Keller opening, playing a 40min set. He needs his own gig, with the proper marketing. Maybe him opening for DMB was actually a good thing in getting a little exposure for him up here. The people that actually paid attention to him seemed to really dig it.

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Why did this dude come into my office after I dropped my stanky pre-poo bomb?

(Suffice to say, he didnt even get to bring up his *issue*, and left almost immediately.)

It's actually the other way 'round: you dropped the bomb before he came into your office. Your special secret power is precognition combined with exquisite (though autonomic) control of your lower gastrointestinal tract...it's not really a marketable thing (you'll never be a superhero, unless society needs heroes about three levels below those in Mystery Men...), but it's a gift that's all yours...along with those with whom you share it...

Glad you have your own office,

In a different building,

In another part of the city,


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It's been ten long years since I left my home

In the hollow where I was born

Where the cool fall nights makes the wood glow bright

And the fox hunter blows his horn.

I feel in love with a girl from the town

I thought that she would be true

I ran away to Charlottesville

And worked in a sawmill or two.

What have you done to the old home place

Why did they tear it down

And why did I leave the plow in the fields

And look for the job in the town.

Well the girl ran off with somebody else

The taverns took all my pay

And here I stand where the old home stood

Before they took it away.

Now the geese fly south and the cold wind blows

As I stand here and hang my head

I've lost my love I've lost my home

And now I wish that I was dead.

What have you done to the old home place

Why did they tear it down

And why did I leave the plow in the fields

And look for the job in the town.


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why does countrycowboy like george strait so much?

I got a bumper sticker on the back of my truck

there ain't another like it, cause i had it made up

i can tell who's behind me, they give themselves away

lay on their horn when they read this phrase

honk if you honkytonk

don't if you don't, but if you do

don't you love to

honk if you honkytonk!


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