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Rough Morning...


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An SUV flipped over on Bronson this morning. Myself and 4 other people had to help a blood-soaked woman out of the suv, which was on it's side making it very difficult to get the door open since they weigh about a tonne. fu©k she was messed up. Then the sweet sound of the ambulance...and then another crash. The ambulance tried to make a u-turn over Bronson and a car smashed into the side of it. 30 minutes of standing outside had my eyes watering from the wind and the tears were frozen on my cheeks. I'm still cold.

Finally the fire crew take our statements and we're sent off. I was only about 4 blocks from home, but for whatever reason, just started driving towards work....ended up almost in Westborogh before I realized where I was. Got to work, parked the car, and then sat in it for about 10 minutes wondering what the fu©k just happened.

I just can't get the image of that lady out of my head. She was crouched up against the windshield and had a sheer look of terror in her eyes. She asked me if she was bleeding. I almost puked and then said "oh, just a bit."

My tummy hurts. I've been sitting at my desk for the past half hour doing absolutely nothing. I think that's what I'll do for the rest of the day too.

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Does this mean we'll see ya on tha teeveee tonaight?

Wow. If this doesn't warrant a personal day off, I don't know what would. (And congratulations on bolstering my faith in humanity; it's nice to know random members of the population are willing to risk life and limp to help those whose lives and limbs are even more in danger.)




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Oh Jesus man! Go home. That's some heavy stuff to deal with. I'd hope that your employer would understand. Although, on the flip side, maybe a distraction would be good for you. I'm really sorry that your day started off like that. I hope that everyone's okay.

My Dad and my uncle stopped at an accident on Hwy 400 years ago. The car in front of them went off the road. When they stopped they could see a woman trying to get her baby out of a car seat. When they finally got close to the car, it burst into flames. There was nothing they could do but stand there and listen to the mother screaming. Neither of them have ever mentioned it to this day.

I only mention this because it could be a whole lot worse. And more importantly, it's good that you're talking about it. Things like that can change us forever...if we let them.

I'm amazed at how many accidents there are this time of year. I guess we just can't grasp the fact that we have to slow down and be extra careful. There were 2 accidents on my way to Barrie this morning. When I drive down the hwy every morning, I sometimes can't help but feel like I'm playing Russian Roulette.

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Very sorry for everyone involved. Someone definitly blessed her with kind people around when she flipped. Good work Lynn.

I think you definitly deserve a day off.

You did all you could and that women is much better off from your efforts.

I would suggest to just try and keep yourself occupied so the images do not just sit in your head.

I wish you a great rest of the day.

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Thanks everyone. I think I need to stay at work to occupy my mind (like Tickles said). I'm listening to some Beatles now (thanks for reminding me to put music on SecondTube...man, my brain is dumb right now!)

I have no idea if she's going to be ok...she didn't seem to have any broken bones, but her head was pretty battered. She was kept warm though, so hopefully that will help.

Ok, I'm going to go brave the world and try to interact with some people! I look like freekin' hell and if one person asks me if I'm ok, that'll be the end of it! Wish me luck...

Thanks again everyone...I'm already feeling better.

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When I was younger I watched a minivan run a redlight and mount a Mercedes, thereby rolling several times in the air as children's skates came flying out the back. Scared the hell out of me and my Mom but fortunately the woman was ok, albeit found guilty in court.

You did a very good thing today, and I thank you too.

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Lynn - you were where you should have been at the time you should have been there - that woman needed your help and you were there to give it.

Maybe try to take a little walk, clear your head a little and thank the heavens she was ok and you were there to help!

Cheeseburgers are also recommended. Try to keep your head up, friend!

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oh Lynn... you poor, poor thing, i can understand how you must be feeling right now. car accidents are horribly upsetting even to bystanders. my office is very close to a very busy intersection, and there are often accidents happening around here. i remember one day, we all heard this huge & sickening crash (there is nothing like the sound of a car accident), so i went running outside to see if anyone needed us to call the police. fortunately, some other people had already gotten to the victim, and i could see people on cell phones, but what i did get to see really shook me up for some time (a back angled view of the car... with a perfect, head shaped smash in the windshield -- and high up too, so that lady must have flown --, with people running over with blankets & mopping her face with kleenex, and looking entirely terrified and upset). i didn't even see any blood and i was horrified by it all. i was about 100 feet away and i couldn't make myself move any closer (had there been no one else there, i of course would have done more, but as awful as this sounds, i remember being thankful that someone else had gotten to the site first & things were being taken care of). and by the way, i'm really not an uncaring letch, there were already about 8 people stopped & helping out -- including someone directing traffic around the crash -- so the situation was more than well taken care of, had i jumped right in, i would have likely just been in the way.

ANYWAY, the point of all of this is that i can imagine how awful it must be to see that first hand. but you did the right thing. and it sounds like you did a helluva job at it too. i know if i was ever in that situation, having you come across me would calm me down immediately (and that's even if you were a total stranger). you did something really, really good today... and hopefully hux is right and that woman will be okay. you made a real and an honest difference in someone's life today, lynn. she's going to think of you as an angel... and likely use this experience as motivation to go out and do something for someone else. (as bad as that movie sucked, pay it forward in the best way).

so i hope you are able to get through the rest of the day alright. and hopefully the news tonight will include an announcement this woman is home safe & sound from the hospital already.


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EXACTLY, rubberdinghy! i heard on the radio yesterday that SUV's are involved in something like 9 out of 12 car accidents. mainly because the people who drive them think they are invincible, and they don't have the skills to drive them at all, so they are a menace to everyone on the roads, incl. themselves. and they're not even that safe, don't they tip over easier than just about any car you can get? stupidest status symbol EVER. grrrr. i fricken hate SUVs. gas guzzling, bad for the environment, accident causing hunks of junk. i'm sure all those suburbian moms do a ton of offroading that they need those types of vehicles. you want safety? VOLVO STATION WAGON.

anyway, that SUV rant is not in any way shape or form meant to take any sensitivity away from the awful situation douglas was in this morning, or that of the woman who got hurt. sorry, really didn't mean to hijack this thread, just agreeing with rubber dinghy.

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I know it's hard to see other people facing trauma, but remember that you did your best, and smile cause you were the best person there to help that woman! I know she would have felt safe with you by her side.

Keep your chin up Lynnie! And do exactly what Catphish said....do all those comforts things you like to do....like EAT CHEESEBURGERS!!

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Guest Low Roller

YO! That's a rough morning indeed. You did the right thing by helping out the woman, no doubt about it. You showed great courage in what you did, and despite the shock that you still might be under, you should be very proud of your actions.

Head's up trooper, you done good. ::

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