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Jay Funk Dawg

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But I think Bob's comment was justified. If the fans are going to lash out and complain and have no regard for the bands feelings or even the facts, then why should you receive kindness in return. I am sure if something you made and loved was attacked and criticised because it was not what you were used to or wanted, then some of us here would react accordingly. People express themselves differently and that is just the way it is.

This is a band, a band is trying to sell a product, and I don't feel someone trying to sell me a product is doing themselves any favours by coming on an internet message board and complaining. Even if someones product is being "slagged" the producers shouldn't come out and make random negative comments. Notice how JayDawg came on and tried to make amends for the things that happened at the venue, that's the way a business should be run. Tim did the right thing to step in and give a "real" explanation of the goings on. Anyways, that's not going to help promote thier product. It's just a mistake that somebody made in the heat of the moment. Hopefully it will be resolved.

Anyways, my 2 cents, and back to my idiotic posts ;)

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So because some chose to show up late, banking solely on the fact that past shows @ the Rivoli have not sold out and then you get there and have to wait, well I say tough sh!t.

Loyal fan or not, there were obviously many more people who chose to get their earlier and support the bar and opening act more than you. Deal with it and get their earlier next time

My problem wasn't with the band at all - it was with the promoter. I (as well as others) had to work until 11:30 on friday night, so i emailed cleary a few days before to tell him that i was coming for sure, but i would be late, and to ask if i had to do anything to make sure i'd get in. I was told the it was doubtful that it would sell out. And I think that having helped out with postering and flyering for cleary for many shows in the past, including bus shows, that i could at least get in without a fight. There were people behind me in line who were on the band's guest list, who were told that they were just going to have to wait. I'm sorry, but if you have a guest list, you should leave at least enough space in the bar for those people to get in.

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My problem wasn't with the band at all - it was with the promoter. I (as well as others) had to work until 11:30 on friday night, so i emailed cleary a few days before to tell him that i was coming for sure, but i would be late, and to ask if i had to do anything to make sure i'd get in. I was told the it was doubtful that it would sell out. And I think that having helped out with postering and flyering for cleary for many shows in the past, including bus shows, that i could at least get in without a fight. There were people behind me in line who were on the band's guest list, who were told that they were just going to have to wait. I'm sorry, but if you have a guest list, you should leave at least enough space in the bar for those people to get in.

I agree, I would have beenupset as well if I were in your shoes.

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People didn't get into a Grand Theft Bus show, the band and promoter have apologized for the confusion and people are still complaining. sh!t happens but is this really the end of the world?

You can only beat a dead horse so much before it turns into a taco bell combo #4.

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I worked in a bar for several years and can’t stand the people who argue with the doorman because they think they are so “important” and pull the “Do you know who I am?” routine. They need to lay off the powder and get off the Ivory tower.

The bar got full. The unexpected happens sometimes. Ever hear of fire codes? If a bar gets shut down, they make NO money. People, who show up late for shows and can't get in, have no one to blame but themselves.

And if you don’t get to the bar until 12:30 or so, a 1:30 stop time will disappoint you [color:"purple"] (I wonder why) . I am sure the bar would have liked to have more room to let people in and make more money.

Congratulations to the band for filling the bar and playing the music that is in their souls.

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true dat polkaroo. meat porridge for all!

I never stopped diggin the bus and cant wait to see them and get the new album in Ottawa.. Its too bad sometimes a less than perfect night can result in negative feedback, but whatever! the band shouldnt be faulted for selling out a club, and they should never be faulted for doing what they want musically- kicking ass. I'm impressed Bob had the balls to come on here and say what he thought whether or not people liked the tone. Tim, as always, made me just a little wet.

It should also be noted that Show-whore, is definitley the #1 BUS fan in Ontario, and possibly the northen hemisphere.. Confirmed!! 100%! ;) hehehe

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people have the right to say whatever they want on this site, good or bad, about ANY band. this is not grandtheftbus.com, it is not in bad taste for any active member of this community to come on here and slag gtb or any band they damn well please. this is a music based discussion board, people discuss music here. it IS in bad taste (and a pretty stupid PR move) to come into this community and use your first post as an opportunity to insult people for expressing their opinions. joking? tongue in cheek? maybe. although how would we know, you've never even posted here before. yes, gtbtim has offered a more professional explanation, but would he have posted it at all, if his bandmate hadn't so eloquently dug himself into a PR hole?

i would have to say most of the complaints i've read in this thread are perfectly valid ones. and you know what? they're also all the exact same reasons i DIDN'T go to this show. loyalty to the venue????? WHATEVER. how about loyalty to the people spending their hard earned money to be there. the rivoli has to be one of the worst places to see bands, and the fact the show was there was one of the big driving reasons for my not wanting to go. as for worrying about the feelings of the band? please. perhaps if they were actually active members of this community, people would be more tactful in discussing their music on here. but up until their posts in this thread, no one knew they even read this board. so don't try and make people feel bad for complaining about what sounds like a sh!tty night for quite a few. are we going to start worrying about offending lurkers now? how do we know who is even there? after all, if they aren't contributing anything to this place, why should we care?

oh and by the way, if you really do lurk around here very often, you would see that the very people you are insulting are the same ones who have fought tooth & nail for you and supported you many, many times along the way. i for one am happy i didn't waste a dime of my money on this show, and if bob's sentiments are a more accurate portrayal of the band's than gtbtim's are, well, i sure will rethink any money i am about to spend on gtb in the future.

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true dat polkaroo. meat porridge for all!

I never stopped diggin the bus and cant wait to see them and get the new album in Ottawa.. Its too bad sometimes a less than perfect night can result in negative feedback, but whatever! the band shouldnt be faulted for selling out a club, and they should never be faulted for doing what they want musically- kicking ass. I'm impressed Bob had the balls to come on here and say what he thought whether or not people liked the tone. Tim, as always, made me just a little wet.

It should also be noted that Show-whore, is definitley the #1 BUS fan in Ontario, and possibly the northen hemisphere.. Confirmed!! 100%! ;) hehehe

Agreed & thank you.

Best post in this thread next to Tim's & Bob's.

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well i guess i should have directed my comment a little bit. it's funny how you say something and everyone gets offended. i don't really consider myself to be a total a$$hole, maybe a little bit, but i find that sometimes people like to make judgement on things they know nothing about. might have been a little rough on the "in the moment" reaction.

my comment was mainly in response to alexis and cully. why complain about the band ending early when you don't even like the music? simple as that. and as far as playing our songs the way they are on the album, well, they are our songs...the way we wrote them...that's why we recorded them....and released them on an album. sorry for no 20 minute masturbation sessions, they just tend to get a little old. if the magic of improv is lost, why fill up air with useless gibberish?

i understand that people like the 'old bus' but if we aren't feeling it why fake it? and what's wrong with 5 minute pop songs? at least our hearts are in it and it is genuine. it's not like we factory made these songs to please the entire world, except for the jamband community. it's just music.

and to kaidy mae...i have no idea who you are, but i'm sorry you felt brushed off like a "backstage hussy". i'm sure you got that confused with, "i just got off stage and people want to talk to me yet i am socially impaired and need to find a safe place(which i didn't even get to find if it's any consolation)."

as far as your comments go palace princess, i think tim was writing his comment as i was writing mine. and i'm just a human, i don't consider everything i do to be PR, nor does tim. this is a "public" forum and i actually do have the right to come on here and express my opinion. it just so happens that what i am sticking up for is close to me.

and del, you can dish it but you can't take it. even when it's not directed at you. at least i had relevence for being crass, unlike your comment (which you are welcome to having your opinion) regarding all of our new songs being "sh!tty". we are humans. and that is an insult. not that i care, it just makes you sort of a hypocrite.

anyways, sorry for the mini rant. hopefully i'm clear on my points


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"and to kaidy mae...i have no idea who you are, but i'm sorry you felt brushed off like a "backstage hussy". i'm sure you got that confused with, "i just got off stage and people want to talk to me yet i am socially impaired and need to find a safe place(which i didn't even get to find if it's any consolation)."

I'm sure many people have confused my phobia of talking to people when I get off stage as assholishness.

Believe me, when I'm being an a$$hole you'll know it.

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"Whiney bastards!" hahaha!

I could never get offended by such a tame remark. Anyone that gets really offended by that and going off on a rant can make themselves look even MORE WHINEY!

Anyway, I've always thought the Bus wrote incredible songs. They have at the heart, fantasic melody and harmonies that always sound like the Bus.

What really lets their music stand apart for alot of people is the way they take the tunes for a little walk in the middle.

But the core songwriting is still there and it has to be there. I will download that Kingston show and have a good listen in the car this week in anticipation of the Ottawa engagement! woohooo!

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ok, i'm pretty sure i said this before, but here i go again. I LIKE THE NEW SONGS. I LIKE THE OLD SONGS. I LIKE ALMOST ALL OF IT. i'm happy that GTB is building a larger repetoire so that street sleeper or airborne or other awesome older songs can become rare and something to be excited about. I don't like going to see the same show over and over and over again, that's never been a complaint of mine with GTB.

i'm not into going to shows to see hours of wanking. i gave up that dream when nero ended. however, when i go to a show that's related to or a part of the "jamband" scene I do expect that I will hear songs that are expanded on from their studio versions. If you feel that that can't happen or you just don't have it in you that's fine. I would argue that improve and creativity can come through a song you'd never thought possible without the wanking or masturbation you speak of.

I like going to see live music because there's the chance for the audience to be a part of what's going on. energy is exchanged, spontaneity occurs. the crowd's into it, you're digging it, you look over at your mates and signal for another few minutes of whatever it is you're doing. or you look out and see people really kickin it to your music and it makes you play that fast bit a bit harder and faster or sing your lyrics with a bit more heart. With live music, with musicians who can actually play live, in a venue that's not so big the sound is uber sh!tty the oppurtunity for that is there, and it's disappointing when it doesn't happen. I guess I just like my entertainment to be a bit less regimented than the "this is our setlist and we're sticking to it no matter how we feel"

For example: I love maroon 5, but probably would never go to see them because i know that i'm most likely to hear them play their songs just the way they are on the CD or radio and i'm not going to get that type of audience interaction i crave.

And my last bit on this now seemingly redundant topic - as a business person, i would venture to say that when you are a part of any sort of entity in a public situation everything you say and do is a representation of that entity and it would be wise to take this into consideration. That's the biggest complaint of celebrities, and whether you want to admit it or not you guys do have some celebrity within this community.

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see, if you had come out with all those rational comments right away, you wouldn't have been treated to a fly-off-the-handle-palace-princess-tirade! :D

i see there is more to your attitude than pure suckiness. ;) thank you for that. your inital comment totally rubbed me the wrong way, and i'm glad you took the opportunity to clarify what you meant.

and yes, i do understand that receiving negative feedback on something as personal as music you've created has got to hurt.... but as with any art form you're going to come across just as many people who love something as you do people who hate it. as long as you aren't compromising what you want to do, then who cares what a bunch of know-it-all music connoisseurs on a messageboard think. ;) (just kidding, everybody. i'm as much of a know-it-all as anybody else! heehee).

there are a lot of gtb fans here who have supported you all along and will probably continue to support you. as i said before, i wasn't at this show, but it sounds to me like people's negative perceptions may have had to do with a lot of factors around the night, not just the music. and if the place was crammed with people, then obviously you were doing something right in someone's eyes, so don't be too devastated by what people are saying here.

unfortunately though, when in the public eye, you do have to be careful about lashing out like that in public forums, because you run the risk of offending people who support you. (i don't necessarily think that is right, but that comes with the territory of being a "rawk star"). heck, i wasn't even at this show and i was all up in arms about it. but anyway, you have redeemed yourself, so i'm just going to shut up before this really does become taco bell.

la la la la la la

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see, if you had come out with all those rational comments right away, you wouldn't have been treated to a fly-off-the-handle-palace-princess-tirade! :D

i see there is more to your attitude than pure suckiness. ;) thank you for that. your inital comment totally rubbed me the wrong way, and i'm glad you took the opportunity to clarify what you meant.

Although one could say if people hadn't just flew off the handle blaming GTB for the 1:30am finish,the crowded room & not "jam" scene people being there then his comment would never have arose.I imagine Bob was "rubbed the wrong way" also by the accusations being made.

i wasn't at this show, but it sounds to me like people's negative perceptions may have had to do with a lot of factors around the night, not just the music

Then why blame GTB for it? (not you I mean)

Like he said if you didn't like the music anyway why complain about what time it finished?

Seems simple enough to me.

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unfortunately though, when in the public eye, you do have to be careful about lashing out like that in public forums, because you run the risk of offending people who support you

If this is still referring to "Whiney bastards", I'm utterly shocked that a phrase as tame as that is considered 'lashing out' or in any way offensive.

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Is it just me, or is this thread is going round and round in circles?

It seems like people are just responding and not reading the whole thing and then the same topics get brought up over and over again.

From my take, GTB is not complaining that people did not like the music or that they wish they jammed more. They were defending false accusations like the 1:30 stop was up to them. Or people who blammed them for the bar being packed and not being able to get in when they showed up at midnight.

For those who think the idea of loyalty to bar is stupid, I say give you head a shake. Toronto is a huge market for them, and Jay and the Rivoli have been great to them over the years. From what I have been hearing they have never packed the place before, which would make one think that you would have no problem getting in at any hour.

How would it look on the band if they took their cd release to some other bar and turned their back on Jay and the Rivoli. Not very good I say. I am sure they are not in the business of burning bridges and biting the hand that fed them. Shame on them for being nice guys.

You should see some of the holes we went to see them out east. But we went because we loved the music. I have had to wait outside many times, but only blame myself for showing up late, not the bar, not the band or a certain group of people who don't usually attend their shows.

It not always about us and what would make our lives the easiest.

Not that you really needed an explanation Bob and Tim in my opinion, but it just adds to one of the reasons I do enjoy you GTB so much, you lack of the rock star attitude and how down to earth all you guys really are....

well I guess except Dennis, not sure where that guy is from yet?

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