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Jay Funk Dawg

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Yup, I am pretty pissed about it...I know M showed up AFTER I did and somehow managed to get in...bullsh!t! She said it was a show I would have really enjoyed too...and I had a full evening planned around the bus...shot the whole fu©king night...I gave up like three other shows to see the Bus boys INCLUDING a guest list pass for the Matheny show!!! BUNK BUNK BUNK!!!

Gawpo Giggles :: :: ::

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Yha she's M...I'm GIGGLES...both awesome forces! Like I said, never happened before...BUNK!!!!

The whole giving up the Pat show was hugh and had alot to do with the Bus, my friend JUST returning from China and playing a symphony early in the evening and a wedding gift for a coworker...I gave away the guest for the wedding gift and opted to see my friend perform his symphony early evening then head to the Bus...

Ok, I really like PM but not so much so that I would have made a different decision when everything was concidered...only if I'd have know that the Bus situsation was bunk sh!t...

Gawpo Giggles :: :: ::

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too bad you didn't get in.. there was about 25 mins that we were at full capacity, then slowly people started piling out... pretty much everyone to my knowledge who waited 10-20 mins finally got in... sorry to hear giggles.. i even let some people in the back... the venue's security guy shut door off, but most everybody made it who was willing to be a bit patient. Obviously the Bus have outgrown that venue.

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too bad about the door Giggles, saw a bunch of folks get in a little later in the evening... we did let it be known that you guys were stuck but Jaydawg was pretty busy hussling moving tables to make room so more people could get in... as I say, too bad, hope you guys found an alternate place to be entertained... nice to see you guys though it was brief

enjoyed the show myself... more new material than old, as you'd figure at a CD release but some good old tasty treats thrown in throughout... some of the new material is a little out there but I liked that on Friday night... kind of a Queen Street crowd more than a Bus crowd it seemed to me which is probably why it got so sold out fairly early (and then cleared out some later on... at one point it was pretty ridiculously jammed, hard to get to the bar, etc.)... as I was right up front I could hear everything but was glad I wasn't back further as the sound wasn't too hot... would say it was more of a song based night than focusing on any sprawling jams... the show finished up around 1:30 (encore and all) but the band had mentioned their van was towed earlier that day so I guess they had to go get it and everything... if I hadn't have asked the bar the time over last-call concerns never personally would'nt have noticed the early finish, it felt like a full show (they did play for almost 2 and a half hours)... overall, as I say, enjoyed myself

super to see a bunch of fine folks out and many thanks to the Spadina street girls and Shitidiot's crew for the very gracious hospitality (edit: AND HUGE thanks as well to the BackBacon and Zeddy for tourin me around, owe you guys another one)

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Enjoyed the show enough. I liked the experiemental noisish stuff, the old tunes of course... the bouncy, jump up and down, Sloany stuff doesn't really do it for me.

Nice to meet some more skanks. I was up front and center the whole show and the sound was pretty junky, during the singing parts especially... I'm not going back to the Rivoli ever!

Thanks to Alexis adn Sairy for the hospitality. Thanks to Big Friendly and his roomies fo rhte party. I seem to have forgotten soem thigsn at your place though: 1 case of cd's, one green sweater with moeny in the pocket... one blue cooler, one glass pipe. Maybe you could set that stuff aside for me.

Good job on putting the show together Jaydawg.

Too bad you and Paul couldn't get in Giggies. That sucks.

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Obviously the Bus have outgrown that venue.

You can say that again! I'm still a little puzzled why a band would book such a tiny venue for a CD release. There wasn't a whole lot of room to shake a tail feather. And God forbid you'd have to get a beer or go pee. A part of me was a little bitter on Friday. I found myself wondering if they booked that space just so they could pack it and feel like rockstars. Still don't get it. I miss the old Bus. :(

That venue does rope in a lot of the Queen West nightlife though. The blond army of tube tops was there in full force. ;)

Awesome time though. Except for the fact that Band Whore threw down a smoke bomb and went back to Brown Town. It was nice to meet you Zeddy. Good to see you again Paisley, Alexis and BackBacon (such a gentleman). Thanks for the good times friends. I'll see you all again soon.

Oh, and whoever I promised photos to, PM me and I'll send 'em on over when they're done.

Peace...................Kaidy Mae.

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Obviously the Bus have outgrown that venue.

You can say that again! I'm still a little puzzled why a band would book such a tiny venue for a CD release. There wasn't a whole lot of room to shake a tail feather. And God forbid you'd have to get a beer or go pee. A part of me was a little bitter on Friday. I found myself wondering if they booked that space just so they could pack it and feel like rockstars. Still don't get it. I miss the old Bus. :(

That venue does rope in a lot of the Queen West nightlife though. The blond army of tube tops was there in full force. ;)

I think it could be something called loyalty. The Rivoli has held bus shows for times when they did not pack the place. So GTB being the good guys they are I am sure would like nothing more than to pack the place for them on a cd release party.

How sh!tty would it be for the Rivoli, who has supported them for years, if the band went elsewhere for their cd release and gave the profits to some other bar. Not very cool if you ask me.

According to Bob (drummer) its one of his favourite rooms to play as well.

As far as their new cd/sound goes, I am happy they are playing music they want to, but I too enjoy the jams and more experimental side of GTB. I would love to see more of it, but I will support them regardless. The new tunes are catchy and great.

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If it's about loyalty, then what about the loyal fans? I had to stand at the door for 20 minutes arguing to try to get in, surrounded by a bunch of people who go to every single show, also waiting to get in, while the bar was full of that 'queen street club crowd'. And apparently some of those loyal fans didn't even get in. I think its more important to treat your fans well than to be loyal to some bar you like. And if your fans can't get in, you should probably be playing somewhere bigger.

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worst show ever....why didn't they just press play on their new CD and let everyone keep their hard earned cash. Absolutely no flow to the show, and I am sorry but when you are playing to a sold out room, you play until they kick you off the stage (not 1:30am)

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i've got a lot more to say on this topic, for now i'll say this. i don't think you're right with the "loyal to the bar" view. if they were they would have played at least to last call. By not playing past 1:30 that bar EASILY lost out on a few grand in drink sales.

I just stood there, dumbfounded. It was 1:30, there was a sell out crowd in that room, and they stopped playing. guess it was cause they were done playing their 5 minute songs on their new album. Yeah, I understand you've got a new CD and you want to showcase the music, but don't play it exactly the way it is on the CD, that's what buying it, bringing it home and listening to it is for. I said it before and I'll say it again, if I wanted to listen to 4 or 5 minute pop songs I'd turn on the radio, not go pay $10 to see a band do it live.

The whole night in general was a farce. No big surprise that when the bus played their sell out show, they attracted the biggest sell out crowd.

People who help you with putting up flyers, band members, people who come out to all the shows, hold parties, who support this scene in a big way shouldn't be left standing outside. And if it happens, at least hold the door open so they can at least hear what they're missing. Oh, and if out of towners ask if they should pick up tickets on their way into the city, well, make sure you have something for them in the future.

Last time these guys played here it was hyped SO much that a lot of people didn't come out thinking it would be sold out. This time, it was "no no, come down, it won't sell out" and it did. Time to get a bit more organized. If the bus wants to play the Rivoli again cause they like it so much, then print tickets ahead of time. Bands out grow venues all the time. it's a matter of fact in the business. Time to deal with it and keep the people coming out to the shows happy, or they won't be back.

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