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the air in toronto today is pathetic.

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I don't have air conditioning in my 23rd floor apartment, thus I've had a sore throat, dry sinuses and general shortness of breath for weeks now. The current apartment temperature is 90 farenheit.

My girlfriend is lying on the couch as I write looking and feeling miserable. She won't allow us to get an air conditioner since she's an enviromentalist. I hope I survive to see the fall in October.

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"My girlfriend is lying on the couch as I write looking and feeling miserable. She won't allow us to get an air conditioner since she's an enviromentalist. I hope I survive to see the fall in October. "

tell her to look out the window, see all that smog and the cars creating it, and ask what a single airconditioning unit could possible do to worsen the environment?

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I'm on the 27th floor of a downtown TO office building, and looking outside from here, its sick. Real damn sick. It looks foggy like we're on the bloody Moores in Scotland. So hey, we're all going to die anyway (and yes are kids will too!) so let's crank up those air conditioners, rev are SUV engines, idle them whenever possible and keep on keeping on!!

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I'm on the 27th floor of a downtown TO office building, and looking outside from here, its sick. Real damn sick. It looks foggy like we're on the bloody Moores in Scotland. So hey, we're all going to die anyway (and yes are kids will too!) so let's crank up those air conditioners, rev are SUV engines, idle them whenever possible and keep on keeping on!!

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"My girlfriend is lying on the couch as I write looking and feeling miserable. She won't allow us to get an air conditioner since she's an enviromentalist. I hope I survive to see the fall in October. "

tell her to look out the window, see all that smog and the cars creating it, and ask what a single airconditioning unit could possible do to worsen the environment?

Vicki always has an answer for statements like the one you made. She'll say that air conditioners are bad for the city's power supply, which of course is true. Look what happened in Hamilton a few days ago.

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While I love escaping TO in the summers, I absolutely dread the drive back into the city, where you can see this 'bubble' of browny-yellow haze situated over the city. It's just repulsive to think we breathe that shite!

looking so forward to a move to "greener pastures", yet a realization that we'll also get Lowell Green (Can's parallel to Rush Limbuagh and Bill O'Reilly, for those who don't know) tempers that a wee bit.

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She won't allow us to get an air conditioner since she's an enviromentalist. I hope I survive to see the fall in October.

1 word. EnergyStar.

There's your compromise. Heat is dangerous and can affect your work with crappy sleeps. There are responsible ways recover the energy you've used while battling the heat with an AC.

I just don't have any tips. Maybe the internet does though ;)

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Yep, definitely not healthy conditions in the city lately.

But at least the water is swimmable again. From what I've heard most of the beaches are open. When I first moved to TO a few years back it was such a depressing and mind-numbing sight to see hundreds of people on the beaches but no one in the water when it was baking...hard to believe that a body of water the size of Lake Ontario became that polluted...let's here it for those coroporat giants that fugged the environment...

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What do you get when you put a 300,000 Prince and Princesses with petrol fired chariots, a refridgerator behind it, 30+ degrees of hot heavy air, and everyone with bullshit jobs they think are more important then everyone elses': TORONTO.

Not that it's a big deal but: a noticed a signifficant lack of SUV's in Montreal, though some full contact driving habits made it a new challenge, but it still felt nice...er.

Anywho, I just wish more people walked to work... or better yet, worked at home...

Thanks for letting me vent :)

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Ontario is car culture, but over 50% of the bad air ( smog ) comes from the States, specifically Ohio.

Do you have a link or something for me to read that info? I was under the impression that Ontario was the biggest polluter in North America, we don't have emission laws that are strict enough, etc, etc.

My opinion: AC should be in hospitals and old age homes and selectively as people need them for breathing problems. The rest of us should toughen up. We wish all winter for the summer to come and when it does, well, you know what happens.

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You can develop or exacerbate breathing problems if you don't have an air conditioner.

I don't have the info in front of me, but it's a common yearly complaint that a lot of the bad air comes from the States, specifically from the coal-burning power-plants in Ohio - which are also a main contributor to acid rain in Ontario.

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Yes I agree with Jaimoe... While cars and traffic certainly contribute to our pollution problem, a lot of it comes from the states. Don't blame it all on cars though, don't forget Toronto is full of giant office buildings that are using so much energy and a/c right now it's rediculous. Yet I should feel guilty for turning my window air conditioner on and driving to work?

Hey, at least I only turn the a/c on after 9pm, and I drive a very feul effecient car...

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Yesterday I went to Toronto for the first time by myself (small town girl). When I stepped off the train at Union I was absoulotly amazed by how heavy and different the air felt. I felt like I was breathing fumes from a car exhaust or something along those lines.

My friend and I took her dog for a walk in the afternoon and were outside less then half an hour. By the time we got home both of us were drentched in sweat. It was gross. I certinly did not pick teh best day to visit Toronto.

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