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Happy Birthday Douglas!!!!


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Happy Birthday you Spicy Little Thang!!!

I can't wait to give you your birthday spankings!!!

You are one of the most amazing people I've ever met.

Thanks for all the laughs and love!!

I hope you have a Wonderful Birthday!!


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lynn! happy birthday, you sassy frassy lassie!!!

you are by far one of the funniest people i've met, and although i don't know you super well, it is obvious you have a huge heart too. :) you are certainly one of my favourite characters on here, and also one of the absolute favourites to run into in real life (which is certainly not often enough!). i hope you have a SUPER fabulous birthday, full of lots of love, hugs, and of course, STELLA!!!!!!!!!!!!!! i also hope that husband of yours finally breaks down and buys you a puppy and/or house. :D

have a great birthday weekend, lynn! hope to run into you soon!

(p.s. i have to say your commentary during the ottawa fantasia presentation was pants peeing calibre good times, and you should seriously think about starting up your own ottawa chapter. :) )

and nice one sharing a b-day with the big kevmeister!!!! heehee




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I wish I could log into our rogers account and post a few pics, but Douglas runs our server with an iron-fist!

Seriously though, life would be grey without you in it. I cant possibly imagine what the world would be like without the laughs we share together each and every day. From the moment you wake me up, to the moment we tuck each other in, I smile knowing that you are making the world a brighter place. Iloveyou. Happy bday.

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Wow! Thanks peoples! You're all very sweet.

HeadyMamaMyrna and I stayed up a little too late last night, and I may possibly have had a couple beers too many...but what a great way to start my bday! (although I kinda feel like week-old mashed potatoes right now...nothing some more Stella can't fix!)

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Happy Birthday Lynn,

May you have many, many more in health and happiness.

I wish I could have come up next week to the Bluesfest and hang out with all of you great Ottawa folk, but I don't think it's in the cards this year.

All the Best,


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Happy Birthday to my bossom buddy

my giggling galpal

my ganging up on our boys ally

my drinking buddy

my bra shopping companion

my bitching confidant

my smootching sqeeeze

...and so so much more.

Have a wonderful day year and forever love ya lots

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Dougie! Man I am the worst at remembering birthdays (it would have been nice of that man of yours to remind us! ;) ) Yours is certainly one worth remembering since you're always the most generous person when it comes to everyone elses.

I can't even express how lucky I am to have you in my life. It is said that people who belly laugh on a daily basis are healthier and happier people. I owe my daily laughs to you. Bless your sense of humour baby. You're the best.

Tons and tons and tons of love.

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Happy Bithday Dougie!! You are a smokin' cool chick. Life would be grey without you in it. I cant possibly imagine what the world would be like without the laughs we share together each and every day. From the moment you wake me up, to the moment we tuck each other in, I smile knowing that you are making the world a brighter place. Iloveyou. Happy bday.

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