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Yes! (Ever had a thread deleted? )


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Though having heard what that one was about, I have to turn to "sacred/profane" distinctions common in Religious Studies to say that what you'd been talking about was as sacred as it gets and didn't necessarily need the neon light of pedestrian comment (though I still absolutely agree with you ;) ).

Which one are you referring to? There has been more than one!

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[color:red]Checking with the "Why was my thread (or a thread) closed or deleted?" in the rules confirms that this thread (or post) is not in violation.

go here and check out the part about 'why was my thread deleted'.

If you want to know why, take a minute and PT the admin (me). I can't promise I'll have the time to answer, but I'm sure it should be easy to figure out.

Nothing happened.

A thread was locked and then there was a post 'why was xxxx thread locked'. There is no time or reason to explain why something was locked and there is no reason for a topic about a topic being locked. Now there's a topic about a topic being deleted about a topic being locked.

If you don't understand, I'm sorry.

I'm confused here bouche, theres no time to explain why threads were deleted or locked when someone inquires but there is time to post the above? I understand your busy & all but that really made me wonder, no offence.

Is there a guide to go by that explains what type of topics have "no reason" to be posted? I can see alot of threads *I* think have no reason, but checking the rules didn't seem to help.

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Checking with the "Why was my thread (or a thread) closed or deleted?" in the rules confirms that this thread (or post) is not in violation.
go here and check out the part about 'why was my thread deleted'.

If you want to know why, take a minute and PT the admin (me). I can't promise I'll have the time to answer, but I'm sure it should be easy to figure out.

Nothing happened.

A thread was locked and then there was a post 'why was xxxx thread locked'. There is no time or reason to explain why something was locked and there is no reason for a topic about a topic being locked. Now there's a topic about a topic being deleted about a topic being locked.

If you don't understand, I'm sorry.

I'm confused here bouche, theres no time to explain why threads were deleted or locked when someone inquires but there is time to post the above? I understand your busy & all but that really made me wonder, no offence.

Is there a guide to go by that explains what type of topics have "no reason" to be posted? I can see alot of threads *I* think have no reason, but checking the rules didn't seem to help.

Well put. Damn I like you Esau. When we drinking some beer again my friend?

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[color:red]Checking with the "Why was my thread (or a thread) closed or deleted?" in the rules confirms that this thread (or post) is not in violation.

When we drinking some beer again my friend?

Hopefully soon my friend, I have a DVD for you, as well, I have a few new DVDs that showed up I think you would be interested in.

Alice On The Wall and Dylan & The Dead july 87 (3 DVDs) to name a couple.

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I'm confused here bouche, theres no time to explain why threads were deleted or locked when someone inquires but there is time to post the above? I understand your busy & all but that really made me wonder, no offence.

Is there a guide to go by that explains what type of topics have "no reason" to be posted? I can see alot of threads *I* think have no reason, but checking the rules didn't seem to help.

I just added that faq point ( Avoid making threads that basically say: "Why was my thread deleted?". This is pretty much self explanatory.) so that I won't ever have to respond to 'why was a thread deleted'. That kind of a post is a huge pet-peeve of mine and I will always delete those types of posts. They aren't very often though. Mind you most of that stuff is ripped from Forums 101. It's just silly to post a question in a thread about why a thread was deleted. Simply send a PM or don't worry about it.

There is much more in this world to worry about, than a thread, like a Canadian election, energy woes, hungry kids, paying bills, finding a career, what is going to happen in Rescue Me next season ;)

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The way I see it, this forum is not a democracy. I think Mike can do whatever the hell he wants, without having to answer to anyone. Instead, we should just thank him for bringing so many like-minded folks together and never asking us for a penny.

I would also like to add, that if I requested a thread be locked or deleted, which I never have, I would not want, or even permit, Mike to share the details of the issue with anyone, especially in a public forum.

Rock on bouche.

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The word "entitlement" got thrown around alot on the GD-SB recording thread. I think it can be justly used here as well. Yes, we're a public forum, but jambands exists almost solely b/c of ONE guy. Does anyone evny Bouche his "gig"....which in point of fact is a hobby that COSTS him out of pocket? Many a time I've said to myself, "thank God, I didn't have to deal with that".

And that is Mike's lot.....to moderate this space, to try to keep peace, to aid folks when they ask for it.**

You get what you get here....a public space, some virtual (and real) friends and acquaintances...but as was stated above, don't go assuming this is a democracy....it ain't and that's just okay by me, b/c I know when it comes down to it, if something makes me really unhappy or angry, I can argue with Mike and at the very least, he'll HEAR me even if we choose to disagree. But he's da boss here folks...like I said....i don't envy the gig myself.

** the only time a thread of mine was locked was because I requested it!!!

Unless you've been on the receiving end of some 'virtual' vitriol, please don't go calling for a good ol' smackdown as your entertainment. I seriously thought this was the most awesome, enlightened community when first introdued to jambands....I've been disabused of that notion many a time, unfortunately....but I still think we're a pretty unique, wonderful, caring, creative and stellar kind of group, and I sincerely hope that we're the kind of group that doesn't take pleasure in slagging one another -- or almost worse -- taking pleasure in reading those kind of posts. that's just bloodlust. I really think we're better than that. God I SOOOOOO want to hope so, guys, 'cause the rest of the world really sucks ass!

I absolutely LOVE Dave's post from the "control issues" thread:

I hope anyone who gets worked up about all this bears in mind that someday it might be them that are in people's random, and probably uninformed, sights, and will take the time for a sober second thought.

Otherwise, these little squiggly shapes, these little characters, that we type and send out to the rest of the world are bound to turn into sledgehammers that have every capacity to fuck up the people that they hit, and I'd like to hope that's something we here can do without - unless you're prepared to go over to the homes of the people affected and handcuff yourselves to them until it's all worked out....

I LOVE the fact that there's such a peacemaker in my life.

I wish more of us could work towards peace in our own small community....

I wish to echo Marco's dream: someday we will all have sex...... ;)

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The way I see it, this forum is not a democracy. I think Mike can do whatever the hell he wants, without having to answer to anyone. Instead, we should just thank him for bringing so many like-minded folks together and never asking us for a penny.

I would also like to add, that if I requested a thread be locked or deleted, which I never have, I would not want, or even permit, Mike to share the details of the issue with anyone, especially in a public forum.

Rock on bouche.

moderators walk a fine line. mike walks it pretty well from what i have seen. i sort of figure when a thread gets locked or nuked that there was a pretty good reason for it...and well said. this is a finne space to hang out, and through mike and this board i have connected with a really cool universe of people...

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Anybody who's ever been on phishhook would know how good we have it here. People's drug habits are openly discussed, potentailly illegal activities openly discussed and the poeple who run this place let it slide. In my opinion, if the mods see reason to nix a thread, fucking let them. IT's their board they bear some responsibility toward the community, let them be peacemakers from time to time.

Remember that there are people and friendships (or otherwise) that exist outside the realm of the internet that are coming into play here, and those should take precendence.

A+ job Mike.

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Not sure what this is all about, but I have had a thread deleted before.

The moderators here have to make calls all the time. Maybe they don't always make the right calls, but the fact that they have to make them at all sucks. Cut them some slack and move on. It's usually for the better anyway.

As a user it's nice to get notice that your thread has been removed. But as a moderator I know that's usually a pain in the ass to do. If your thread goes missing and you care, just PM a moderator and see what's up. They gotta protect their interests.

Good job boys.

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