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So I did a search for the Trey Sobriety thread and I couldn't find it... If it was deleted, that's sad... If not, whatever... Either way, I think what was said has had a chance to really sink in... I'm done with all of the "white drugs"... In fact, I'm done with drugs and booze in general... I'm even going to give the no smoking thing a chance... Thanks for straightening me out... I'd like to thank everyone for pointing out all of my faults and I'd like to apologize for any trouble I've caused... I'm also pleased to announce that I'm quitting the board.

PLUR and God Bless You...

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The board has gone to !@%!! the last couple of days and many people are upset. I talked to him last night and he was very upset & I respect the Mangler's decison to quit the board. I talked to 5 or so board (bored?) members yesterday who are seriously considering moving over to Jamhub.ca for a change.

Maybe some people just need some time away to let some things settle down.

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max, the next time you're talking to him, tell him I said "Hi!", and that I hope he gets happy / straightened out, and comes back, when he's ready. (And if he needs/wants to talk to me about anything, tell him I'm willing and able.)

I also can offer up a different perspective on the "gone to !@%!! the last couple of days": what's perceived as a trend toward "!@%!!" may in fact just be a random close cluster of independent events. On any given day, there's a chance that a post or a topic will be offensive enough (in the eyes of the admins) to be removed. With such random things, it can happen that you get a "streak", where they come close together in time; it'll look like a "trend towards", but in fact isn't.



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It seems like these issues arise every now and then, people get upset, say they're bored with the board or they are quitting.

Then take a break!!!

Some people still love the board. It's always going to be ever-changing!!

And if you don't like it then don't bother with it, and don't make it a big deal.

(on a side note - Mangler - good luck with trying to make some changes - it could be a rough road, but well worth it in the end - Hope to see you around Ottawa on New Years)

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I imagine its a lot like a balancing act keeping people happy with whats allowed, and keeping the content edgy enough to keep us all interested. I'm glad its not my job. It does appear the 'trey sobriety' thread is gone.. i dont know why, but i also dont really care why.

I can imagine del-Mang maybe feels like the content is being edited for an audience, of which he doesnt feel part of. Like, jambands.ca/pg13. I hope he knows its all to keep things on the up and up in the grand scheme, and that his friends do like to see/read him here.

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taking a break from the message board is definitely a good thing sometimes. it can suck you in too much...which seems to have happened here, obviously.

i say good on ya for taking a break, then you can come back when you don't feel so intense about it all.

ps. *good getting-healthy vibes*

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del the mangler stopped by last nite and not to get too personal, but he is not in a good head space at all. i really hope some people on this site give their head a good shake and realize what is going. not just with del but the entire scene and community we all think we are part of.

del has been a friend of mine since the day we met at ghost town. i'll stand behind him no matter what. i'm not going to quit drugs or anything crazy like that but i too resign from this board.

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What's with people "resigning" from the board?

I just don't get it.

yeah, me neither. This is just too much. I've wanted to quit this board for awhile, but right when I think it's a good time, POOF, someone ELSE quits the board (then comes back) I don't want to look like a follower, so I have to wait my turn I guess. Someday there will be a lull in the quitting world, I just know it, and I'll have my shining moment when, I too, can make an announcement that I'm quitting the board.

I've got the best login name for when I come back again too....

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I hope this is only a hiatus and nothing more serious, but I have gotten a sense, for myself and others close to me, of how deep board feelings can go. I also know that sometimes I've needed to give this space some distance myself. Del having been one of the first people who caught my attention on this board, it would be weird and sad not to be seeing him on it (especially now that I finally had a chance the other weekend to hang out with him in real time).

I won't though now wax maudlin about all the things that make this thing so wonderful and engaging (I'm not nearly drunk enough). I hope these people that are talking about going away come back soon.

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