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QOTD 4/11/06 - To My Space or not to My Space...


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What's the deal? Are their normal homepage's all broken?

For musicians, it's a good deal I'd think. For free, there's a music player, space to upload tracks for mulitple downloads, pictures, and a message board. I think this is all free. Normally this would cost money for design, bandwidth, upkeep, etc... Plus if all 'the kids' have a myspace page it's good cross-promotion if you get your name out there a little bit.

i started up a myspace page cuz i was bored one night, you can definitely get sucked in but i never did. i don't really know why i have it but it's not doing any harm. i've found and been found by long-lost friends from university and highschool on there, so I guess having the page has paid off.

i wouldn't recommend getting a page, but i wouldn't recommend against it either.


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probably because myspace offers free (or a chance for) advertising for the band. It's known by everyone and they do polls for best band, shit like that. Either that or it's the same reason everyone follow's what everyone else does (think fads).

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Definitely nay from this end. I thought it was a little odd in the past, then I saw a good friend of mine get in trouble at work when an anonymous tipster (actually an angry ex) tipped her employer off to some stuff that was on her MySpace Page. Since then I decided that e-mail is just plenty for me.

Plus, much like scottieking, I waste plenty of time online as it is.

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that is the QOTD.

Personally I'm not currently involved, mostly for fact I fear anything else the internet can provide that will eat up anymore of my time. Plus it seems a little cult-like. Or as a full-time is that calling the kettle black?

Detractors and supporters, weigh in!

The only thing I get a kick out of with Myspace is collecting friends...real ones...and of bands you're actually into. I hate the mass random friend requesting and accepting.

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No myspace here. Don't see the purpose, nor do I feel a need to promote myself, I have a blog if I want to do that. Although in two years I've only posted half a dozen times to that thing.

I frequent about four messageboards, thats more then enough for me and emails or phone calls are more the adequate for me to keep in touch with my friends.

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I dig myspace. It's fun and if people I don't know in real life want to be "friends" with me, that's fine. No harm, no foul.

Also, I have a compulsion to write sometimes and so it functions as a blog site. Saves you people from reading my maniacal ramblings here.

Further, there are some crazy blogs out there, some quite enetrtaining. I find my interest level in myspace has plateaued for now. Haven't updated it for a while. I will soon.

But I really have met a few nice interesting people and picked up on a couple of interesting artists. Also, with hamilton moving back to South Korea sooner than later, I'm hoping to make it more of an online journal so he can keep in touch with the goings-on around here, as well as regular e-mail.

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i'm a myspacer and like it. mostly for the reasons marco has already mentioned. Plus i really dig the whole blog phenomenon that's been sweeping the internet lately. it really encourages people to write, be creative and express themselves.

too, i'm a big believer in "strangers are friends you've yet to meet" so I really have no problem with people adding me who don't know me. At one point they will.

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I have been on friendster for the past 3 years. Guess that is old school myspace. I have actually reconnected through it with a bunch of people I knew in the states.

I recently joined myspace, it is the same thing as friendster. Don't know what kind of use I will get out of it.

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I have a page on myspace but I don't really have any friends on there. I have trey, mike, phish and the phish archives but that's about it and they don't really count since I don't think they'll answer messages. What do I have to do to get more random friends? Probably get more beautiful eh?

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I have a page on myspace but I don't really have any friends on there. I have trey, mike, phish and the phish archives but that's about it and they don't really count since I don't think they'll answer messages. What do I have to do to get more random friends? Probably get more beautiful eh?

You also have to listen to Emo Phillips 24 hours a day. At least, that's what I think all that "Emo this" and "Emo that" talk is about...



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I just started a www.myspace.com/nufunk

and I've been using it to connect with new bands, venues and actually have had some old friends have find me on there.. so for me it's been a great tool.

There is also some great music out there that you can listen to on demand... It's also been a good tool to infor the public about a specific sound of band... For example a couple of people told me they came to the recent Jay Crocker show in Toronto because they heard the music off www.myspace.com/jaycrocker .. they liked what they heard, so they showed up.

It's certainly easier to hear streaming music off myspace.com then downloading something off their website... and it also protects the musician's music by now allowing it for download.

I will admit that it's a bit of a joke to have all these musicians you don't really know as 'Friends' and I do think that it's a easy time waster, but so far it's been another tool for me to promote music.

Here's some spaces to check out...

www.myspace.com/themeters - I JUST KISSED MY BABY

www.myspace.com/fortknoxfive - BRAZZILLIAN HIPSTER




Please add me to your friends lists!


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