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QoTD- best piece of advice you've ever received?

Davey Boy 2.0

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I'll go first: Treat a lady like a whore and a whore like a lady.

but seriously though I think it was my buddy telling me to go see the good ole Grateful Dead, making me a couple of tapes first and telling me about his first show~ pretty easy sell after that actually

(on reflection i'm wondering if this has already been a QoTD in the past... whatever I'm just killing off the next hour and a half before I light out, outta here to catch the CL finals)

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"Only worry about what you can control in life...which isn't that much at all."

"To make a mistake is human and acceptable, to realize the mistake and not rectify it, is to make another mistake."

"Emotions and feeling are like the weather".

"Exposing ones vulnerability makes it no longer vulnerable."

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"Somebody always has to be the asshole."

I like and live this one. I think in every situation imaginable this holds true. If it didn't this would be a boring-vanilla-SCI Rules- kind of world.

and the close runner up:

"To keep your nose clean, don't draw attention to yourself."

of course as I grow older, this starts to work well too:

"He who dies with the most toys wins."

Take that hippies.


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Guest Low Roller
"I think it's time to sell your Nortel shares".

my financial advisor, July 2000.


"Do or do not. There is no try." -Yoda

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I'm sure others will occur to me now that I've started thinking about it (the gears sometimes take a little while to get up to speed). First thoughts, just drawing on people from the board (they'll know who they are ;) :

"All you gotta do is ask. the worst that they can say is no" - Mark Tonin

- Mark's one of my favourite founts of wisdom :).

"It's only kinky the first time."

"Multieffects units have too much signal loss."

"Microdot? That stuff's crap. Try this blotter."

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