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What a great day. I am so glad it is POURING now and not during the party. Thanks to Sloth, Freeker, Stapes, SugarMegs and Hux......as well as your neighbours, Velvet, let alone the bands and volunteers. Fantastic vibe. Everybody wins.

Kudos ya'll.

How do I unlock my jaw?

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How do I unlock my jaw?

Take out Marco's "pole".

Cheers to everyone involved in hosting the party again this year. Clearly, you guys have it DOWN!

BTW, Johnny's Pizza was fuckin' kicking! That was some delicious cheezy stuff aside from any Bob Weir that was blasting on the PA ;)

I apologize for our leaving like the french, but we had a fireworks adventure to attend to on the bikes. Ottawa is really neat to explore on bikes during the eve of Canada Day. No cars, roads open only to pedestrians and biciclettes made for a fun, friendly and smooth ride home. I found so many people that I passed, looking me in the eyes and wishing me a great day. Why can't every day be like that?

The Fireworks over the river were a seriously amazing showcase and worth the effort to view. It's funny to hear people cheering at fireworks after watching live musicians tear it up on the stage at THAT PLACE.

All in All, this was definately the very best Canada Day I have ever experienced.

the Lure line-up is sweet btw!

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Hi. I'm bradm. You might recall me from such incidents as having taped every performance by Hux Pux, and, uh, crash-landing hard later in the day and needing an ambulance to cart my sorry ass away.

There are some big gaps in my memory from last night. Whoever helped me, I thank you. If I caused any problems, I apologize. My system behaves chaotically at times, and while I can usually keep myself under controlI occasionally lose control, with results that vary from mild weirdnesses to outright disaster.

I'm embarrassed, and ashamed; I'm also relieved and grateful, especially to those who took care of me and my stuff.

I'm feeling better now, but am still pretty tired. A day or two of napping and I should be back to typical.



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Holy good gawd damn that was a party! Thanks to everyone involved in it's success, and that includes everyone who I hugged, kissed, licked and grabbed. The "that place" Canada Day kegger continues to evolve each year and so do I. This is the first year I attended the party and can actually remember how I got home!

Nice job MCing Velvet. You crack me up. Don't forget the sunscreen on that beautiful bald head of yours. (((love ya)))

It was a great day of music and it was so damn good to see Lauzon. I am a fan of his in any incarnation. Nice job yesterday. I was smiling from ear to ear during your set.

The fireworks were great. We came home and grabbed our doggie and walked over to the Museum of Civilization. Abbey didn't care for them too much, she wanted to be held and burried her head in my arm-pit. But she did like walking through the crowds of people on the way there and back. I love living in Hull, I love being in Ottawa and I LOVE BEING CANADIAN!!! What a great weekend so far and if these ceasars have anything to do with it, the rest of it is shaping up nicely. ;)

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Brad, I'm so glad to know you're ok - I thought those swirly lights were just annoying at first, but then sussed it all out. I can now wipe the anxiety off my brow :).

And damn, what a do! Kudos to you That Place folks who made it all happen. It was great, as always, seeing everybody again, from those in our near orbit to those who made the valiant trek from the nether regions of southern Ontario. Yay!

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bradm....I'm also glad to hear you're fine. Don't be embarrassed...god good, we've all been there, (some of us more than once!!) And, actually, I blame myself entirely: my not drinking left at least an extra keg or two for others to down, and that certainly put a few over the brink! :P But seriously, many were concerned and involved and you were well taken care of, and that yet again is what is so awesome about the folks we know!!!

Thanks to everyone involved in it's success, and that includes everyone who I hugged, kissed, licked and grabbed.




but when-oh-when will I rate a lick? It was SOOOO good to see you again (and we didn't even rub boobies!) and that flat-assed man of yours, too! (I know, I know, it was the fly-bills in his back pocket!)

Velvet...I enjoyed being sober enough to really enjoy (and rememeber) your silliness.

Finally, to the whole crew of organizers and volunteers............what a great job! I loved helping out (kept my mind off the booze) and minding my manners wasn't nearly as hard as I thought it'd be!!!!:P:P

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Yesterday was a blast. It was great to see all you cats raging out there. Yay Canada. I left sometime during Lauzon and got there after Hux Pux, and to be honest, missed Lure to walk my dog, but all in all, the music I saw was great.

Swell. :)

I'm glad I got to give the Spades a second chance; loved their sound. The John Henry's tore it up, and were well-dressed taboot. Other than that, I think Velvet made a jackass of himself, good to hear his intengrity is still in tact though. ;)

"Easy on the ego stroking" -mooose

Edit to Add: Missed the episode but Brad, glad to hear you're okay.

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Sorry to hear about your mishap Brad and glad to hear it ended well. I've lost my shit in public a couple of times and narrowly missed the ambulance ride. It happens to the best of us!

Thanks to everyone involved in organizing another successful Canada Day party. The excellent lineup of bands was the highlight for me. Really enjoyed the ones I caught: The Spades, El Beejay, Lure and Dave Lauzon, who was particularly excellent. I missed the John Henry's on account of having a shisha break with the neighbours, and unfortunately had to leave before Bullmoose hit the stage.

Awesome job guys!! I heard nothing but kudos from everyone I spoke to. I wish Canada Day happened more than once a year.

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odd....for us in hull, it was a mild and refreshing trickle. I didn't notice any torrential downpours.

i am still really charged from yesterday. and by charged I mean SMILING. What a fantastic day all around.

Did anyone else notice that Lauzon initiated the dancing?

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i am still really charged from yesterday. and by charged I mean SMILING. What a fantastic day all around.

Did anyone else notice that Lauzon initiated the dancing?

That reminds me of the big smile on Dave's face while performing yesterday. What a great set.

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fuckin' eh!

8 and half to get there, 5:45 to get home, and another great ottawa weekend in the middle! WHEW!

so much fun.. golfin' friday aft., burties tearin' it up at night, that place rockin' it on saturday... well done!

a BIG merci to the fine folks at casa lorda for bein such great hosts, and all those dudes and dudettes that made the party such a great time - well organized, great bands, kind vibes, and a great deal of hilarity... not much more you could ask for.

brad, glad you're well, my man.

highlights of the weekend for me:

my putting

stop 28 and the watchin' tv > jack lumber encore

el beejay covering the more rocked out double live version of saskatchewan, quite possibly my favourite rheostatics anything

the spacey ambient intro from lure

seeing the spades for the first time and LOVING IT... which was great, considering i wasnt really big on much live stuff i'd heard before.

dave fucking lauzon - good lord man, bring that shit to SoOn!

the sky worms

mr. lumpy

the many faces of McVelvet

and all the rest of you skanks i got to catch up with, share laughs with, or meet for the first time - thanks for all the goodness.

hope everyone's recovered nicely, today.. cheers, ya'll.


ps: dingy - sorry 'bout your foot, bro.. get well soon!

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