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I gotta job!


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Well, looks like I'm employable afterall!

Just found out today from Lavalife that I'm soon to be one of their employees!

Man that was cutting it close, I was laid off last August 16th, two days from now. I can't believe it took me that long to find a job. But I think the wait will be worth it, sounds like it'll be a great place to work.

Look out world, here comes trouble!

Who's got my nugs? [Wink]

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Hey Trev!

That's fantastic news! Congratulations.

Beer's all around - ON YOU!!!

Despite your lavalife demo I thought the job had nothing to do with Lavalife. That'll be an interesting company to work for.

I feel sorry for you though. Jared's gonna be hasslin' you like crazy. Once the word spread's that you are the man to hook up heady wives, you may even be able to have you're own reality tv show called "Where's my Heady Wife?"

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Thanks again everyone. It's kind of a little scarey going into a new place like that, everything will be totally new and different. But sometimes that's a good thing.

So just remember, when your looking for a heady wife, or a heady hubby, on www.lavalife.com I'm the one behind the scenes. And sharing your personal information with everyone [big Grin] (jk)

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