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SLOWCOASTER!!! wow. mind. blown.

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Hey, I can't read through all the pages to figure out what's going on, cause I'm just writing a comment about Slowcoaster:

My favourite canadian band. Great band, great songs, catchy as hell, fantastic live show, great voice. Go slowco. I'm still not bored of them and I've seen them about 20 times, cause we've done a few joint tours with them.

Glace Bay junior high basketball.

Stephen del toolshedio.

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SAtleast they are what they are and arent trying to be somethign they are not...Ie-GRAND THEFT BUS...

philosophers would have a field day..

how can grand theft bus be something they're not?

In addition to AD's point... unless you are a member of GTB, how the hell do you know what they are "trying" to be?

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Glace Bay junior high basketball.

I used to play Jr. High Basketball in Glace Bay. Morrison something like 86-88. Little bit in High school (89 to 90 GBHS)too but aparently Heads and coaches don't always mix.

sorry, back to the festivites.

GTB would be great if they were just the two brothers and the drummer. That other dude always seems to be in the way of great sounding tunes and the ones he does sing, not so good.

I really think they would be an awesome power trio.

Edited by Guest
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I've said some strange shit in this thread.

Last night while I dealt with the repercussions of my posting I realized very little of what I had said had to do with the people or music it directly or indirectly criticized, and more to do with what I've been dealing with, and the self criticism I'm dealing with.

Balancing my day job, job as the promoter/performer/leader/booker for WTTS and as a future husband has been taxing and all of this needed my utmost attention.

As a result of these efforts I have not created any music for music's sake and only sat back and taken in what I could between the rare breaks I got. This has left me unsatisfied with my progress in all of the job, music and wifey categories, and over the last 2 days I have been looking outward and judging instead of trying to calm my nerves. I've poked around where I shouldn't have and said some things I shouldn't have.

I do apologize for doubting the validity of the art and social contiributions of Booche, Pablo, MarcO, Gentlemonkey, and anyone else I may have slighted with my remarks.

Somewhere in my twisted logic was the will to have this community propel forward in a healthier and progressive way, my actions were not the way to do that and for this I was remiss.

On the upside I have looked in and bared down to make some music for myself and for you all; something that hasn't really come to fruition in about 2 years. This tune speaks directly to my interaction here and is offered in humility and apology for the missteps I have taken with you all.

It may take a listen or 2 to hear what I'm saying, and if you put your head directly between both speakers you may even hear the Louis Armstrong influence that infiltrates this track ;-)


An Excerpt from the tune link above

Damage Control

My only place here is as an artist

My criticisms have been half baked and half hearted

Speak ill of my brother under the guise of progressive purpose

Need to spend more time with the pen; less times being nervous

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It takes a big person to apologize. You don't see that enough around here if you consder all the conflicts that happen!

It's funny. I got involved with the business of music because music was so useful for me during a real tough time in my life.

Now the Music business is a grind, and sometimes I'm left wondering where to turn now that music is a 'problem' and not a 'solution'. It is not like that all the time in my mind, but it creeps, and sometimes I prefer to sit in silence rather than to hear "Dark Side of the Moon" one more time. Still, it's a fantastic struggle, and WE all have a ways to go... one day our society will be a little more 'artist friendly', and we can get these musicians out of their 9-5, and then we'll get that exponential rise in quality I think we all would enjoy... Until then, songs are the food of the ears... keep em coming!

Besides it's the journey, not the destination, and the struggle can make for great fodder.

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These days, the field of music is a tough, tough place to be. I've seen that first hand, but there are many on here who know that better than I do and have felt it more deeply than I have. It causes some to lash out and it causes even more to turn away, but in the end it brings the strong ones back to what brought them there in the first place. Well done, Deeps.

In the end the ultimate revenge against criticism is perseverance.

Wise words.

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Last night while I dealt with the repercussions of my posting I realized very little of what I had said had to do with the people or music it directly or indirectly criticized, and more to do with what I've been dealing with, and the self criticism I'm dealing with.

Balancing my day job, job as the promoter/performer/leader/booker for WTTS and as a future husband has been taxing and all of this needed my utmost attention.

As a result of these efforts I have not created any music for music's sake and only sat back and taken in what I could between the rare breaks I got. This has left me unsatisfied with my progress in all of the job, music and wifey categories,

Fair enough Steve. Well said, and I think I know where you might be coming from. Just remember that some of the people who you may have directly or indirectly criticised are also dealing with the challenges of balancing out their very busy lives, and are therefore sensitive to certain insinuations.

Anyhow, I hope that your future days are brighter for you!

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These days, the field of music is a tough, tough place to be.

Dude, sitting in a cubicle 8 hours a day is a tough, tough place to be! I'm jealous of all you fuckers with the wherewithall to follow your music dreams. I think a lot of people would love to be in a touring band situation. When times get tough, focus on what you have, not what you don't have. Take a look at what you've accomplished so far and use that feeling to forge ahead.

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Dude, sitting in a cubicle 8 hours a day is a tough, tough place to be! I'm jealous of all you fuckers with the wherewithall to follow your music dreams. I think a lot of people would love to be in a touring band situation. When times get tough, focus on what you have, not what you don't have. Take a look at what you've accomplished so far and use that feeling to forge ahead.

First off, dude, I'm not in a touring band. I'm not in any kind of band and I wasn't complaining.

I'm simply saying that to make a living making music in this country is a difficult thing...whether it's more difficult than sitting in a cubicle or flying a plane was never my point.

My point was simply that when it gets tough you need to focus on what brought you there in the first place...on what you have and what you've accomplished and use that feeling....wait a minute....

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And all you guys that accepted it, and had nothing to say in return except for thank-you, way to man-up, are being jerks. Plain and simple... Anyhoo, not trying to start a fight,

you call people jerks but you're not trying to start a fight?

passive/aggressive much?

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