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SLOWCOASTER!!! wow. mind. blown.

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There's no secret password or free pass. You either resonate with people or you don't. You may resonate with people and they don't know it yet. great, go out and play to nobody for a few years and then go and play for nobody in other towns and then you may find out.


This is the best thing said in this whole thread. I know me saying this may be confusing, i think i was took the wrong way and I took everyone else the wrong way. :crazy:

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If a band is able to stir up this much contoversy and engaging (somewhat offensive at times) conversation, than they must be good. Kind of the idea behind art isn't it? Good art anyway.

This is definitely the most attention Slow Co has ever gotten on this board.

I'm suprised Kung hasn't piped in, I know he's a fan.

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I find this thread amusing.

I really don't think that there is a consipracy against new bands in this scene. Just get out there and find your fans.

That's what everyone else did.

There's no secret password or free pass. You either resonate with people or you don't. You may resonate with people and they don't know it yet. great, go out and play to nobody for a few years and then go and play for nobody in other towns and then you may find out.

When we started, places like this one on line didn't even exist so we couldn't moan about not having the crowds we were so very entitled to.

I did not mean to give the imporession that there was a conspiracy or anything of the sort.

I was more asking MarcO and Booche to explain their point that the music they are hearing from jambands is suffering. They say this frequently enough and given my limited experience with Jam music prior to inadvertantly making it over the last 3 years I was looking for some insight as to what they were talking about.

Working while posting made my points not very clear. I apologize for the madness my speculation and truncated thoughts may have caused.

No disrespect or conspiracy theories intended.

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I was more asking MarcO and Booche to explain their point that the music they are hearing from jambands is suffering.

Then take it to the PMs funboys!

True and Booche attempted to do this....I was feeling mouthy I guess.

My apologies once again.

Let's all point and laugh @ Deeps.

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you act like im saying this about myself or a recent band i was in......well..WWRONG!!!!!What i am trying to say without pissing off the holier than whoevers on this board. Is that some of these bands may have potential, and of course if they suck then sure they suck, but some of these new bands get sh!t on right from the get go, because they havent been around as long as the Main Bands. Its obvious you were throwing a cheap shot in there ands thats just what i am talking about. Maybe you guys will understand one day.

Just to be clear, I'm not talking about you, or about anyone else in particular. I don't even know you and have no idea what musical projects you may or may not have taken part in, so I don't see how I can be perceived as having taken a cheap shot.

As previously mentioned by others in this thread, I don't believe that anyone gets shit on for the sole reason that "they haven't been around as long" as other bands.

Damn, I hate this stupid time zone difference. By the time I log on, all the best stuff has already gone down!

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You know what? I can no longer remain silent. Deeps decided he wanted to throw out baseless accusations that reside in a state of unreality and for whatever reason he included my name. It’s time for some truth because he needs to hear it.

When I first saw nero, they were all of 19-23, or something like that. I was 32 and hooked immediately on their music because I thought it was very good. Practically every band I see is younger than I am. Some are good and some suck. The same thing can be said about older bands so you can take that young vs old accusation and shove it up your hairy little ass. It’s my opinion of the music and I am not saying it should be shared by anyone else. And what is this talk about younger bands that you are on about? Arent you around 29?

Deeps, your actions in this thread and ones before have not reflected well upon you or your band and I will never see What The Thunder Said perform unless it is by accident. The disrespect you have shown the bands you mentioned and all of their fans is elephantine and I wont forget. Isnt it possible to you that they gained fans through extremely hard work, touring the country and creating good music along the way? And don’t give me this shit that you were misunderstood because you knew EXACTLY what you were saying. You weaseled your way out of everything once Lauzon made his illuminating point.

Edited by Guest
I took out the part where I called Deeps a dipshit
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Isnt it possible to you that they gained fans through extremely hard work, touring the country and creating good music along the way?

I wouln't ever intentionally bring this into question. They have obviously worked hard.

What I was implying is that you have been a cynical dick on this board in the 3 years I've been here. I was trying to say that your cynicism seems to want to carve everything new and a little more progressive a new one whenever you get the chance.

What I should have said is, when you weren't such a dick you probably gave bands a better chance.

My opinons are balanced on the bands I've mentioned. There are aspects I wish WTTS would attain, like their thirst for improv, and there are aspects that I steeer completely away from, because I find them either derived or self indulgent.

The new generation of jamband needs pop sensibility if it is going to survive, they need to be empathetic improvisers, they need to write better compositions that don't take 25 minutes to explain something that should have taken 5. Fans don't have the buzz or the patience for that anymore.

The new listener needs to stop being a drug addict, they need to start listening and stop pretending they love everything. The more educated listener needs to understand when a player is trying to bridge the gap between virtuosity and accessibility and that this bridge is immensely harder to build than the one that goes from the player to heavens and directly over 90% of the listeners heads (unless that listener is flying on the 7th hour of their trip and will not remeber the show, save for some grey ephemeral brah vibe).

And for the record I find Mr Lauzon's compositions today entirely more focussed and interesting than I do NERO's which is not to say I in an elephantile way think NERO is mediocre or undeserving.


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oh yeah..


You're older than I am. So what's with the "I'm just a young asshole" routine?

Young as in I am actively in a 4 piece band trying to make this type of music move somewhere further along the road that you paved and to do this I need to challenge what the context is at this point.

See previous post.

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Calling Steven from SlowCo a wanker and likeing NERO, BnB and The Fatties unabashedly is a conflict of interest and not seeing that Steven is ahead of the game in terms of the quality and approach to the instrument in some realms is well IMO ... blind.

The above post is what is being marked as disrespectful by Booche for those of you keeping score.

Note I said SOME...I did not write everyone off as a hack for fuck sake.

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What I was implying is that you have been a cynical dick on this board in the 3 years I've been here. I was trying to say that your cynicism seems to want to carve everything new and a little more progressive a new one whenever you get the chance.

Why are you giving one cynical dick so much attention? It's not like he dictates what bands any of us listen to or what shows we go see.

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Although non-specific concepts of madness have been around for several thousand years, the psychiatrist and philosopher Karl Jaspers was the first to define the three main criteria for a belief to be considered delusional in his book General Psychopathology. These criteria are:

  • certainty (held with absolute conviction)
  • incorrigibility (not changeable by compelling counterargument or proof to the contrary)
  • impossibility or falsity of content (implausible, bizarre or patently untrue)

These criteria still live on in modern psychiatric diagnosis. In the most recent Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders, a delusion is defined as:

A false belief based on incorrect inference about external reality that is firmly sustained despite what almost everybody else believes and despite what constitutes incontrovertible and obvious proof or evidence to the contrary. The belief is not one ordinarily accepted by other members of the person's culture or subculture

Edited by Guest
the alternative diagnosis is even more grim, sadly
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