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dodgy-ish things you do to save money

Davey Boy 2.0

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thinking of doing the homemade wine thing again, tough for us to work our way through dozens of bottles of the same kinda wine though, and haven't been drinking much vino lately...anyway it's on the radar

snoots at festies is the obvious one i guess

[color:#cccccc]i also may or may not occasionally take the stalk off of portabello mushrooms when buying them

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making wine is great...in guelph there are a couple places that you can do it...the best one i think is right across the street from stone road mall, 90 bucks gets u 30 bottles, plus 1 dollar each for the bottle (if you dont have em)...takes about a month to make it but once you have it, its pure gold...or at least some really cheap form of imitation gold

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Homemade weed is a nice way to save money too.

I find now that I'm not working a conventional job I'm spending way less money. Sounds strange doesn't it?

I guess the back and forth to work, lunches, work clothes etc etc really add up. Also I find I now have the time to do a lot more of the things that I would have paid some other professional to do. So while this doesn't make me any money it saves me money in the long run. Also I do a lot more service for service ie barter system.

I get most of my media/entertainment off the internet. I still can't figure out why I'm giving rogers so much money every month for cable. I gotta fix that.

Most importantly though, I use "the secret" to increase the flow of dollars, that's better than trying to spend less. :D

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i go to nursing home or retirment living communities, and use the buzzer to buzz any old lady that lives in the building....

when she answer's HELLO!?

i go

"hi grandma?"

to which she goes


or whatever other name her grandson happens to be...

i then proceed to tell her that i just got into a car crash right down the street, but that i'll be okay, and that i need 50 bucks to pay the tow truck driver as a deposit....

i then tell the concerned granny that "listen grandma, i need to stay by my car and fill out some paperwork, but my friend is going to come up and get the emergency money" ... i promise to pay her back, and call her as soon as things are straightened out....

i then take the elevator up to her apartment, and pretend to be the friend.....

i once made 500 bucks in one building alone.

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I don't save money, I spend it. Tis the reason I work, otherwise, I'd join a jamband and then I'd really have to live frugally. However I do admit to de-stemming portabellas, not to save money though.

Oh yeah, buy in quantity. eg if a 1/4 is 60 and a half 100 an oz should be 180.

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