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Ryan Adams fall tour tracker


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Looks like an awesome setlist. Like I said, he always follows a short show with a killer one.

1. Please Do Not Let Me Go

2. Peaceful Valley

3. Beautiful Sorta

4. Wildflowers

5. Off Broadway

6. Dear John

7. Goodnight Rose

8. Blue Hotel

9. Mockingbird

10.Magnolia Mountain

11.Shakedown on 9th Street

12.I See Monsters


13.SYLVIA PLATH (solo piano)

14.Sweet Lil' Gal (solo piano)

15.Rescue Blues

16.Dear Chicago

17.Cold Roses




20.Goodnight Hollywood Boulevard


21.Easy Plateau

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Theater was less than half full, we took up a few rows dancing around once things got heated up. Ryan was in a wonderful mood last night, even after posing for pics etc.

Notes for the above setlist:

Peaceful Valley> Sorta (ABB esque jam)

Magnolia Mtn went off, almost into Bird Song territory

Plateau was smoking!

DaveO, Neal says 'hello dude'. Pics to come.

When you friend tells you he snores like a donkey, believe him and pack a few pairs of earplugs!

More later, the Globe and Mail awaits.

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Important note to BradM - You'll probably be allowed to plug into the soundboard. Ryan's FOH guy runs his own SBD + 2 mics on stage + 2 mics in the crowd mix and will usually let people patch out of it. Typically the shows that end up on the archive as "source: sbd" are actually from that lineage.

Thanks, dave-O, I already had that taken into account (even to the point of asking about a few days ago on a tapers' message board). I brought my adaptors* and patch cables, and ended up talking (and sitting beside, after we swapped some tickets to get seats in the row right in front of the board) to a guy who's been recording most of the recent shows (including Northampton on Sunday). I listened to a bit of it on the ride back to Ottawa last night, and it sounds stellar.



* At YMSB in Montreal back in July, I brought a second recorder, as I knew they gave out board patches. The problem was, the board only had XLR outs (the others weren't working), and I didn't have the right adaptors; I went to Steve's Music a couple of days later and bought two female-XLR to female-RCA adaptors, which worked fine last night.

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WOW! WOW! WOW! Just wait until you hear this show! Ryan was on top of the world last night. The music was just gut wrenching (in the best possible way) and all his banter was good spirited and humourous. They were in such good moods with the venue, sound, lighting and the crowd that they wanted to keep playing and playing (how often do you hear that about Ryan Adams?) We lucked the fack out! Even when the house lights came on and the crappy music started over the PA, they came back out and said "Man we'll play with the lights on, we don't care!" How awesome is that?

I was brought to tears so many times (Sweet Little Girl got it going), brought to boogie in my seat (Shakedown on 9th Street), and every song had it's own "shiver down the spine" moment. Magnolia Mountain, Off Broadway and Easy Plateau were definite highlights for me. The dynamics and harmonies were super tight - just awesome!!!

It exceeded my wildest expectations by far and I have fallen ever more deeply in love with the music of Ryan Adams.

Time to quit the ol' job and take up Ryan Adams touring. (I wish).

BTW - For those who got photos with Ryan, post them! Oh and I also hate you. ;)

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Yeah, it was a killer show. Peaceful Valley had gorgeous harmonies and sounded like a whisper at moments. The crowd was soooooooo silent during the quiet moments especially during his solo piano ventures. Goodnight Rose slayed Tom and I with that double-guitar work. I was never a big fan of Shakedown on 9th Street until this huge version and speaking of which Easy Pla-fucking-toe. The whole "Some place to rest my heeeeeeeeeead" breakdown that keep coming on like a YEM vocal jam was particularily impressive as was the wall of chaos to end it.

God-damn those harmonies were something else last night. I think that is what got me the most. Ryan was in great spirits and was really engaged with the audience. Some funny moments.

My under-wear is riding my crack.

And no crunkage for me last night DaveyBoy. I think the previous night prevented it.

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hahah, wow, i missed tons of this thread... funny... im surprised more people dont find the bryan adams thing ultra lame - i mean, seriously? and if you know someone's a little touchy, why would you pay money to go to their show and then try to set him off? also lame.

anyways... i only got 1 song off my mental list of things i wanted to hear (cold roses), but no matter, that was a sweet fuckin' show. a lot of great stuff has already been said about it, but these were my highlights...

- the atmosphere, first off. i really dug the dark subdued setup.. helped with the headiness, and no doubt the band was pretty pyschadelic at times.

- the cardinals in general.. just such a tight band, with a sweet smoothness to their sound

- wicked ass harmonies, tons of depth, dear john in particular blew me away

- sweet lil gal.. tearjerker.. made me miss my dog.. funny how the mind works sometimes

- all the piano tunes

- the chords coming out the jam in cold roses before they sang the last part, really sounded to me like ryan had cranked it to 11.. leaned back and loved it!

- summoning the gods of fret action before opening games, and hitting it with a big "oh fuckin right!"

- good banter, the self deprecating humour (ryan "captain reasonable" adams)

- the extra encores

- and as mr. hess noted, his incredible vocals... so clean, so crisp... you'd never know he had the flu/fever in the last year, let alone week... its like he was some sorta golden god up there. ;)

so, did anyone else feel like they burned through a lot of the songs fairly quickly, though? i kinda thought, aside from seeming to have a ton of fun, part of the reason we got the extra encores was that everytime they got backstage they realized "fuck, its still early!" - mockingbird sticks out as one that almost felt like it was in doubletime, and dear chicago also felt a little fast, too... but i felt that way about a lot of the tunes in general, except for say, easy plateau, that was definitely jammed out. maybe it was just me, though? i have an 11 o'clock complex - ryan adams or not, i dont like shows ending before then, movies go later than that for christ sake, and this is rock n roll!! :P

anyways, wicked show.

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One of my favorite Ryan banter moments was the whole "I dont play shows on drugs and alcohol." and the drummer immediately followed with a ba-dum dum. Its all about the simple stuff.

And that whole "Neil wants to do some serious fretting" bit about getting some unknown broad to fall in love with him had me laughing pretty hard.

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Oh, and props to the Hyatt on Jeanne Mance. I forgot my show poster and called them up. They had it and are going to Purolator it to me (at my cost, obviously). Buddy even told me he is going to grab a tube for me to protect it during its travels.

Too bad Douglas thinks the design looks like ass. Then again, the downstairs is the room I get to decorate and the coloring on it will look good in this room. I didnt love the poster but I loved the quality/price and the fact that it is a 'particular' show poster.

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it's beyond me why anyone should fear the wrath of an artist they're paying good money to see and support.

almost forgot about the dude sitting behind me, he was pretty entertaining... everytime someone called something out he got a little nervous.. first time, i hear him he goes to his girlfriend "oohhh shit.. oh shit!"... then the rest were mostly nervous deep breaths and gasps/sighs.. pretty funny.

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Tom, LJFH, Pat from down the street and Asparagus were beside the guy that yelled out "You dont need to apologize!" after Ryan told the story about trying to buy a Virginia Woolf book at some storey store.

Apparently he got up and left shortly thereafter.

Edited by Guest
Holy sh!t, I was wasted earlier.
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