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nickleback sux


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lol. One of the guys here at work put that picture up on my cubicle cause I look very like the dude on the left. Although I thought it was funny, I still wonder if my managers looked at it and went "hmmmmm"...

Oh, nickleback sucks and canadian art of all forms will be better when they're gone.

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"canadian art of all forms will be better when they're gone"


If you're looking for clarification with the hmmm, the reason I am of that opinion is that since nickleback are rich, if they did not exist, at least some of that money would still be funneled into art but who knows, it might end up being a movie or tv show, can't say for sure. I also cannot say that it is a true statement, mostly just a funny way to express my view of whom I think are candidates for worst canadian band ever. :)

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I heard Alan Cross on the radio yesterday speaking on 95.9 out of London about this and he mentioned that although everyone in the world seems to hate Nickleback, he's still supportive of these jokes because they generate so much money for the record companies that they can in turn support the lowlier bands just starting out.

just something i heard from a very well respected peer of the music industry.

i still wouldn't care if they fell off the earth today.

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he's still supportive of these jokes because they generate so much money for the record companies that they can in turn support the lowlier bands just starting out.

Good point. I was joking around but in seriousness, have to agree with that. I wonder how it would make me feel if I was a smaller band, knowing that my funds exist because of nicleback. Probably thankful that I had any funds at all, lol.

Same thing goes not just for music in canada. Take hollywood for example, and how many movies come out that are only good because the cast has a popular actor in it (we won't even get into the actors) or something on those lines. Thing is, they will bring in kajillions of dollars and though the actors for some reason get a mad huge share that I think should be divided a bit more down the chain such as in editing and whatnot, the money does help to enable all sorts of other projects not to mention also helps fund education in that art...

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OK I would rather cram broken glass into my ears than listen to Nickleback, but seriously....who are we to dictate what other people "enjoy"? If other people take entertainment and enjoyment from listening to them, how can we say that's wrong? And as far as the "type" of people who like them and buy their records, well its those people that created the huge band, not the huge band that created those kinds of people.

Those of us who are "more knowledgable" about music don't make the bands we like as big as Nickleback....probably because there are less of us AND because we like so much music that we divide our entertainment money between so many different outlets. There are probably people who only buy Nickleback albums and only go to Nickleback shows...

Enough devils advocate for me! Fuck Nickleback!

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If other people take entertainment and enjoyment from listening to them, how can we say that's wrong? And as far as the "type" of people who like them and buy their records, well its those people that created the huge band, not the huge band that created those kinds of people.

Those of us who are "more knowledgable" about music don't make the bands we like as big as Nickleback....probably because there are less of us AND because we like so much music that we divide our entertainment money between so many different outlets. There are probably people who only buy Nickleback albums and only go to Nickleback shows...

and there's also people out there who smack their heads against the wall habitually, and we call them developmentally challenged, just like we should call nicklejack and their fans. :P

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Well... I was sitting 20 feet from the stage during Nickleback's performance. My ears might actually still be ringing from their pyro to be honest. And... it wasn't that bad. I must admit I'm quite fascinated by Chad Kroeger... I think he's a genius.

I ran into Chad a few times over the weekend... and all times were quite strange. One was watching a drummer friend of mine quite humourously dry hump him against our bus in front of Richards on Richards on Friday night. And the second... after the Junos on Sunday, and after sharing a round of Jager-bombs with him and a few others, he asked his bodyguard to get him a bucket to piss in... and then he proceeded to pull his cock and balls out in front of a few friends of mine in the bar, I guess to stress how bad he had to go.

But he's Chad Kroeger... he seems to be able to do that kind of thing. I guess when you're worth $150 million dollars, you pretty much do what you want, wherever you want.

But... he was actually a really nice guy. Eccentric and confident as hell... and it's hard not to stare at his perfect blonde locks... but, generally a nice dude.

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