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nickleback sux


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Well... Chad Kroeger... I think he's a genius.

I ran into Chad a few times over the weekend... and all times were quite strange.

But... he was actually a really nice guy. Eccentric and confident as hell... and it's hard not to stare at his cock and balls... but, generally a nice dude.


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Well... more Nickleback fun for me.

As it turns out, we show up in Minneapolis last night... knowing that Nickleback was in town that night... but not realising until we got to our venue they we were right across the street from the Target Centre where they were playing.

So our drummer put a call in to Mike Kroeger to let them know we were right across the way... Mike gets back to us and says we've all got super AAA vip passes to their show. Their security guy runs the passes over to our bus.. we eat shittty hard rock cafe fajitas for dinner, and head over to their show around 8:45...

We walk in and immediately see the band walking to the side stage about to go on... Chad greets us and says, pretty genuinely that it was great that we could make it to the gig. "Get up front boys and put your fuckin' plugs in!!" he says.

So now I'm essentially on stage... in a sunk down vip section just off stage left... about 15 feet from centre stage... let the hilarity begin. Watching this show was like watching a car crash, I just couldn't look away or fathom what was actually going on. It started out with a countdown and some huge explosions, with the band launching into "Something in your mouth". But then Chad starts talking between songs... and I swear he spent 1/3 of the show talking... just absolute bullshit too. Stuff like "Imagine if the city of Minneapolis banned getting laid... man... guys would be burning their asses off to get out of town!" "I feel like agameshow host up here... YOU WON A NEW CARRR!!!!!!!!!!!!!", "Man, that Sean from Seether is a real cock smoker... I'm gonna ten guys in sailor suits to huddle around him and rub their junk all over him, then his mom can check it out on youtube!"

He invited an 8 year old kid on stage for "rockstar", after calling him a motherfucker a few times and telling him he'd put him on the payroll so he could get uncle Chad beers and twist him up a few. "That's why I've never had kids! They'd have taken them away lonnng ago. In fact, you've probably got and ounce tucked in your pants there little guy.... that's how you could afford that diamond earring you got there!!" he kid's mom was swooning too.

They had the crew come out with these t-shirt shooting guns and, after talking about for 10 minutes, launched bundled up shirts to the top back row of place... insanely far.... while the band riffed on Metallica's "Sad But True"

We only stayed for and hour and a half because we had to go play our own gig... but man... what a fuckin site. Chad has absolutely no class... and the people there loved it. LOVED IT! The music was definately these least important part of the show... I mean.. they did 4 ballads in row... all about family and caring and shit... and then in between he talked about getting laid in his bus and drinking beer jamming to country music... then a nother ballad, then more low class ranting. It was like watching a wrestling match.

But... they entertained the shit of the sold out 16,000 or so people that were there. Including me... I was in complete disbelief. Chad even came over and did some crotch thrusts for us during a solo... laughing a big toothy goofy grin the whole time. I'm pretty sure it was the craziest, most over the top rock show I've ever seen... crazy lights, massive pyro, giant screens, multi level stages....

Just thought I'd share.

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we need more of your road stories on this site.


Thirded...but a little more judgmental please. Although I can appreciate that you wouldn't want a Paris/Lindsay type bitch fight going on. Not that you couldn't take Goldilocks...I'm sure you could. ;)

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