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things that make me hate mankind ( a rant)

mikey d

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As some of you may know, I am a highschool student, currently completing my final year of school.being young has its disadvantags and advantages, as im sure you all can rememember, but after today I must say my biggest issue with being this age has to be the amount of ridiculously (and almost frightingly) ignorant people that i am subjected to spending 6 hours a day with at school.

I'm a relaxed, easy-going person, very little makes me mad and I hardly ever loose my cool. I dont typically resort to bickering, and rarely put myself into a position that will result in a negative outcome for me or anybody else. twice today i snapped, absolutely freaked out, and after these incidents my general opinion on, simply, people has been diminished greatly.

the first incident: I have a first period spare, so every day when I arrive at school i sit around for a few minutes then head outside for a bowl and a smoke to start the day off. now i am accustomed to people my age acting stupid, specifically in the smoking area where it seems as though there is a general concentration of idiocy. we have two garbage cans and 3 ash trays outside and you can hardly see any of the ground for all the litter (this is just one, small example). but im used to this, can easily bear with these people, and I'm even on good speaking terms witht he majority of them, and a few of my close friends typically join me in the morning, so its not too rough. so today i was smoking my morning bowl with a friend of mine, trying to fall into a good vibe for the school day and just relaxing, waking up, etc. as i was trying to do all this another student from my school walked down the path towards us, and immeadiately another student made some dumb-ass comment towards him. this first guy is a nice guy, sells weed, gives me good counts and is the younger brother of a friend of mine. the other guy is nothing more than a dumbass. the second guy continues to provoke the first guy for about 5 minutes until he finally says something back, at whcih point the other guy grabs him, pushes him off of his feet and smashes his head against a fence. still, the guy gets up and brushes it off, says 'i dont want to fight'. the second guy continues to annoy the first guy for the next TWENTY minutes, until i politely ask him to stop being a jerk so i can enjoy my sesh. at this point he begins to try to fight me. i'm not a fighter, though i can and have held my own before, but like i said, i avoid things like this as much as possible. so i disinclined, and he spent the next 5 minutes giving me shit until i ashed my pipe prematurely and went inside in a bad mood, where took place:

the second incident: I've spent the past 2 years miticulously working on a script. ive literally exhausted myself for months putting this project together, and its to be performed in 3 weeks. i began my postering the other day, only to discover everyone of my posters had been ripped down. so i put them back up again today. at lunch im sitting in my caf and watch as a girl casually walks buy and rips one of my posters off of a wall. i approach her and ask for her to give it back to me, and she throws it into a garbage can, i shrug it off, whatever, no big deal. i leave the caf to discover every single one of my posters have been torn dow (atleast 40-50 - an extraordinary waste of paper, and what came acroos as a personal attack) i found her, again tearing a poster off the wall, and asked her to stop doing it. i asked her why she was doing this and responded because i am an 'artsy fag'. at this point i flipped. totally, entirely flipped. i was literally shaking in rage, could hardly piece together sentances. ill admit i was mean and rude and vulgar, but at the time i couldnt have stopped if i wanted to.

and now im potentially in trouble as she claims i threatened her (an as it turns out shes pregnant) her unborn baby (?¿). anyone who knows me will vouche that i would never, under any circumstances act even half tht violently.

ahhh shit im rambling, its been a bad day.

congradulations if you read all of that. this isnt just a bad case of teenage angst, i just get upset of ignorane. dont get me wrong, im quite content with my situation in life right now, its just being forced to be near people like that so regularily is a challenge. but hey i graduate in 2 months. ::

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Just curious where you live and go to school. I was likely alot like you in high school (Lawrence Park, TO) and dealt with my fair share of tools. I do distinctly get the sense that high school kids are getting dumber and dumber though, I've taught workshops in Dartmouth (NS) high schools and found that pretty scary. I don't know if it's the shite music they listen to thinking they're unique or what but despite having always dreamed of being a teacher I can't quite fathom having to teach these ignorant twits.

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Mike, I'm really sorry you had such nasty experiences today. In the limited capacity that I've gotten to know you, you really strike me as remarkably together: smart, cool, and down-to-earth... especially for someone of your age, but overall as well. don't let this get you down. you will be out of that place soon enough, and in the meantime keep on as you are. once you are through with school you will, through your involvement in the scene here, be surrounded by your friends and other people who appreciate the quality of person that you are. there are always assholes, you seem to know how to deal with them though, so I only wish you the best until you can get out of the seemingly high-concentration asshole pool that is your school.

that said, i think i might wander down to the moho tonight and drink some beers. come down if you're up for it. ::

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mikey_d, I am sorry you have to experience the intolerance of others. We all do, but you certainly see an awful lot of it in highschool. Please, keep your head up. You are WAY ahead of the ones you speak of. I am positive you are ahead of most of the ones you spend the day with. Its not an easy period, but please feel free to email me (darkstarotherone@rogers.com).

I'll send you something.

Take care, and fuck the "twits". As you know, their adolescent insecurities are trying to get the best of you. Not everyone is bad, just the bad ones. Before you know it, you will find there is more good than you could possibly realize.

Keep on, keeping on............

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listen to booche. he's a wise old man.

just remember, man, 2 months. 2 fucking months. you know how quickly 2 months flies by in my life? well, shit, just yesterday it was february 7th... seriously.

i hope the play goes really well for you man, sounds like you put a lot of yourself into it. i think the biggest success is just getting it out there... cheers to you, my friend.


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Somedays the world is crazy, and some people can be awful.

On such days you just have to be glad and thankful that you are you, and that you don't have to be them or live their lives.

Their lives Can't be that fulfilling if they are full of such hate and ignorance.

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Hey Mike,

Just to address her personal attack of calling you an 'artsy fag'. Well that stereotype has been around for ever. Anybody who does music or drama or anything of the sort in high school is labelled as artsy and the 'fag' noun might get appended to it. Well I wasn't at all what you'd call artsy and boy do I regret it. Since high school, I've met the best people in the world and they're all artsy fags. Artsy fags are creative, intelligent, thought-provoking, tolerant, empathic and a whole slur of other kind adjectives. I'm doing my best every day to become what you already are. Keep up the good work! ::

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man, when i was in high school (my) life was all about the artsy "fags"! talent is sexy! who gets laid the most on this scene? the musicians, that's who. the chick that said that to you sounds like she is a little uncomfortable in her own shoes, i feel sorry for her unborn kid, i hope she gives it up for adoption so she doesn't perpetuate generational ignorance.

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nice work on the "totally losin it" ::

now thats artsy

not much advice here besides stay cool when possible... suburbia sucks but so does everywhere for high school as far as I know... too many people watch a few tv shows and think they've got it all figured out... fear not, 10 years from now you won't even recognize their rapidly aging asses

ignore the closed-minded as much as you can, they've got nothing to teach you except why its best to avoid them

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Sounds to me like the second guy needs some help. That boy okay? I mean you had a really shitty day, granted, but I'm feeling bad for the guy that needs to fight. Hope he gets his shit worked out. Sounds like all his days are shitty.

Ps. I'm a musician, am I supposed to be getting laid a lot?

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"turns out shes pregnant"


the bitch is just bitter she ruined her fuckin life...

but seriously bro, no worries. high school is a lotta bullshit...once you get into university/college/real world it's easier to be who you are and want to be.


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Hey bro, High school can be a real bitch sometimes and I definitely can sympathize with the "artsy fag" vibe, which I also experienced. If you choose to pursue higher education you'll find some of these goons disappear but you'll also encounter some of that same close-mindedness in people who come from...oh...beeton or St.Louis du-ha-ha! or any of a number of navel-gazing villages. In any case keep doing what you love and if you're not slumming it with the right drama snobs now you'll probably fall in with them when the time is right. I would say my intra-provincial crew are all into the same sorts of things and we've all been called fags at one point or another. And yet none of us are baby daddies either!

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I'd rather be an "artsy fag" than an ignorant, knocked-up teen bitch...

Don't lose your cool - ever, ya never know what kind of fucked up, meat head of a frien this chick may have. I was very active in Drama when i was in high school and definately took some grief from some of the jock dick heads at the school, mind you i did have better drugs and was gettin' laid more often than them, but, thats not important...

Being creative led me to many bands and eventually to meet great people, great women like my wife, and not being the coolest kid ever certaily gave me time ot become a fairly mean geetar player.

High school doesn't last forever, university is alot more fun, where you will meet far more like minded people. And if that's not your thing then get on with life, and while you are grooving in a band or acting in a play or having one of your scripts adapted for the big screen, that evil hearted, narrow minded cow will be buttoning up her stiped uniform and asking the next person in line if "they want fries with that".

hey man, keep cool, be true to yourself, and have fun...take a look on my list below and i'll send ya some tunes to make it alllllll better.....now go and smoke that bowl.

cheers ;)

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Sounds to me like the second guy needs some help. That boy okay? I mean you had a really shitty day, granted, but I'm feeling bad for the guy that needs to fight. Hope he gets his shit worked out. Sounds like all his days are shitty.

Ps. I'm a musician, am I supposed to be getting laid a lot?

yes, you are supposed to be getting laid a lot. maybe you need an instrument change, drummers are the sexiest! :D
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wow . . thanks everyone, I honestly didn't expect any replies. I'm not really having any sort of breakdown over here, Ive been putting up with stuff like this since i was 12 or 13. I don't hate school, hate the people there, or anything. In fact, I think I probably go to one of the best highschools anywhere around here. We do have a huge drama and music scene at our school, and I have lots of friends who ride exactly the same wave as me - you'd be surprised. I rarely do have to take shit from anyone, but like anybody else of course I have a few enemies, as jon. put it best 'I did have better drugs and was gettin' laid more often than them' . . .

i realized long ago that in the scheme of things highschool truly means nothing aside from the friends ive made and the good times Ive had, i think most would agree.

to make a long story short, i may have come across as alot more stressed than i actually am in that first post. i like being 18, i like taking advantage of getting a free education, and in a mildly sinister way I like being put in positions where i can feel a hell of a lot smarter than most of the people in my school. thanks again for your extremely kind words.

and oh yeah, caroline, the play is april 28-30, the school is on parkhill west, $5, 7 pm . . . let me know if you need to know anything else.


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pregnant or not someone should've put her nose out of joint.

will I get some flak? sure. does it matter? no.

no gut shots, but maybe a lost tooth or something.

Sometimes there's a reason for a bitch-slap. Not usually, but this would've been one of those times if you wouldn't have gotten harassed by her big jock friends...probably would've pressured the daddy into doing it.

'if you don't do this i'll garnish your wages'

seem plausible?

why not get one of your artsy girl friends to stakeout some posters and get them to pound it out. Just tell 'em it'll help them find their emotion...drama chicks love a good challenge. watch for the glint in their eyes...when you find that spark you know you've got a good woman.

'will you kick that bitch's ass for me hun?'

'anything for my artsy man!'

but serious - get her sent to the doctor. she'll have a hard time affording a fakie so she'll look extra stupid. get everyone to call her onetooth.

i'd laugh.

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Being 21 and sorta recently (as of two years) out of high school and an 'artsy-fag' apparantely, I can sympathize. I produced and performed a script I wrote in high school as well as doing it as part of the Sears drama festival, and no one cared at high school in comparison. People were too busy thinking highly of themselves to support the arts. All I can tell ya bro is keep your head up and keep on truckin' because college/uni is a whole lot better, and there are TONS of women here that LOVE artsty-fags. Atleast at Mac.


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I had an experience today that got my blood boiling.

It involves stupid adults who are also parents.

i walked into a room today with 4 adults and a one year old baby. There wasn't one window open (and it was a beautiful day) and all 4 were smoking.

My heart fell and I looked at that poor little innocent child who was now coughing, and around the room at the uncaring adults and had to leave the room. This was and still is on my mind...what's wrong with people? How can they make that little girls life so cheap?

disappointed once again in mankind!

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