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For crying out loud


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I just arrived home from a gig in Toronto to find that I had been broken into for the second time in a little over a year. Just moved in, now broken into. This may be the angry, bitter, post break-in Rev talking, but I can't help but wonder if posting a picture of my house and specifying that we had instruments when I was looking for a roommate had something to do with it. For fuck's sake. I've now lost three of my own guitars, as well as two different guitars belonging to two different friends, to the abyss of fucking crack haven Hamilton. The one they got tonight was a Strat I assembled from parts when I was 17, no other one like it, with my initials carved into the paint on the band with a soldering iron - fucking gone. My roommate's computer - gone. Pretty much my entire CD collection, still in a duffle bag from the move - gone. A FUCKING DUFFEL BAG FULL OF MY CLOTHES - gone. THE FUCKING MODEM BELONGING TO BELL CANADA - GONE, RIPPED OUT OF THE FUCKING WALL.

I used to have faith in this town. I swear if I didn't have a lease on this house I'd pack what they DIDN'T steal and get the fuck out. What kills me is that I'm in arguably one of the safest neighbourhoods in Hamilton proper. I just don't fucking understand it.

Thanks for letting me vent. Sorry for the cussing in the title, bouche.

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Thanks, StnMtn. I just needed to vent, you know?

It's almost 6 and I haven't slept. Cops were here and found signs of attempted entry outside my bedroom window(!). The two officers that were here were actually nice, intelligent and on the ball. Anyway I kind of have a big yard and I was kind of wandering around while they were here and came across my duffelbag, empty...leading me/the cops to believe that they actually emptied it in the house (the others with clothes were open and some clothes strewn about, still in the middle of the move) and used it to carry other shit. Also laying there in the dirt was my bass that had been grabbed as well, and my maglight which I hadn't even noticed missing. Also though, they came across two empty cans of beer, the two that had been in my fridge when I left the house. Hard to believe for a simple B&E, but they took them in evidence bags to take to the lab.

Also taken, unbelievably, was a bass amp belonging to a friend. A massive Yorkville 1x15 cube with the handle broken off, I can't bloody imagine how they would have moved it without a vehicle. Hope I get a chance to call him before he/his band mates read about it over on Stillepost...

That guitar though, man...the body and neck were from my first electric, a Squier, and it was my first building project. Bought a Duncan humbucker and a Wilkinson bridge, cool tortoise shell pickguard, and soldered it all together. Fuckin bummer.

Well I can't sleep, so I'm going to go try to hit some pawnshops. I never even got a chance to do that after the last time, and I had a sweet guitar taken then too. Fuck thieves and their fucking greedy little thief minds, may they all feel the sense of invasion and violation that I felt early this morning.

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ohhhhhh fucking horrible, horrible Rev!!

while I'm generally opposed to all forms of violence, I'd gleefully hold these greasy scum bags while you mete out whatever punishment is in your fantasy. It's really okay to imagine hurting them bad, Rev...this is a huge violation....I can only imagine the degree of the anger you must be feeling!

you wonder about random jambands users (or known ones) seeing your post about your move and planning the B&E.....I'm thinking something even more sinister. Honestly as hard as it is to want to believe it, I'm thinking someone in your circle of acquaintances, who knows the kind of music gear you own, who knew the date of the move, and the date of your gig, has set you up...possibly twice!

Rev...I can only hope the theives come to light...glad the cop experience was positive....I'll be putting all my thoughts and vibe-y energy towards the goal that these little fuckwads are found out, and even more, that your special guitar makes its way back into your hands!

{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{big hugs}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}

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I feel for ya' REv. If you are interested I can put you on to my equipment insurance company. The are excellent and insure any instrument/equipment with a $50 deductable and there is no restriction on location and movement of said equipment. It's really worth it dude.

PM me if you want the info.

Sorry Bro' }:(

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I'm so sorry to hear this happened to you. I know the feeling way to well, and as I read your post my heart sank and I filled with rage.

I really hope you can recover some of your stuff. I would definately make a list of stuff and hit the pawnshops...even in the surrounding areas of hamilton.

Seriously, if you need to vent to someone that truly knows how you are feeling right now....PM me

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that sucks my man. Thieves are everywhere but for it to happen to you twice makes me think there may be a connection to someone who is at least aware of you, not just a random b&e. I don't wanna make you paranoid but that's how it looks to me.

I think a call to VIEW's rantline may be in order!

again, so sorry friend.

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You need loaner gear for this weekend brother?

Feeling sick about this Aaron....I know how excited you were to live in that place and have room to make tunes.....keep your head up....I feel a GoodRev benefit concert may be in order here.

Talk to you soon.

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What terrible news Rev. I'm so sorry to read about this. Do you happen to have insurance that will cover your losses? I completely understand it's not going to replace one-of-a-kind items, that it's a hassle and it doesn't take away the sick, violated feelings, but it would sure help a bit.

So sorry man.

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Thanks for the words, y'all. Chameleon I'm definately interested in the equipment insurance, I'll PM you.

As for it being somebody I know...I've entertained the thought, for sure, but I think it's simpler than that. When I was burglarized a year or so ago, I think the perps had heard the loud music coming from the house for months, and so knew it was full of gear. We had a big sailboat belonging to my roommate at the time in the driveway; it's pretty distinctive and hard to miss. Then I moved out of this neighbourhood for about 8 months and then moved back; I can see the first break-in house from the back door of the new one. The boat is once again in my driveway. I think it's the same lowlife motherfucks who cruise this neighbourhood, saw the boat and remembered the good score last year, and jimmied their way in.

Just got ahold of my roommate, whom I left in Toronto to party after the gig last night. Didn't want to ruin his fun then, but had to inform him today. There's all kinds of his stuff gone that I didn't even think of; a two-channel audio interface, a Playstation, loads of DVDs that were in a box, other stuff.

It's funny MarcO, I called the Rant Line at about 3 something when waiting for the cops and unleashed an ungodly string of expletives.

ANYWAY, as I said to the lady at Tim Horton's this morning at about 6:30 when I decided a coffee and a dirty, hearty donut was in order to quell my sorrows, it could have been worse. I was playing a gig so my amp, three guitars, pedal board and accessories were all with me, as was my laptop which for some reason I decided to toss in my backpack at the last minute.

Life goes on, though, right folks?

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dude, that sucks....i doubt it had anything to do with your postings here. your house looks like every other house in your area...and i don't think lazlo's that hard for cash right now. somehow he still has regular customers that pay for a piece of his ass nightly.

seriously though, it really blows you've been a victim of a b&e twice now. i've lived here a majority of my life and never had anythign like that happen *knock on wood* and i rarely lock my doors. if you wanna come smoke a bowl or somethin, i'm off work all day.

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i didn't open this thread before cuz the title is so rude

Better now? :)

if you wanna come smoke a bowl or somethin, i'm off work all day.

Now there's an interesting offer. But I have to go to work, and then I'm playing again in TO tonight. I feel like scrapping the setlist and rockin the dirtiest, sickest blues that I can. Thanks anyway, Alexis...raincheck.

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holy crap! I just got out of a meeting to read this terrible incident!

I'm so sorry to read about this. I would be sick as shit if that happened to us. I just don't understand how dicks can make away with all of that stuff and no one noticed and thought it was suspicious.

You mentioned that you posted a photo of the place online, and I found the thread. There were alot of details in there that probably shouldn't be posted. As small of a possibility that the post could have had anything to do with it, no one should ever post:

-phone numbers

-personal addresses

-identifiable photos/maps of your house

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Thanks for the condolences, bouche. To be honest, though, I was careful not to post any of that information. My phone number isn't in the thread, nor is my address, nor even the name of my street. You'll notice in the photo of the house that I blacked out the house number, too.


Ok so, I completely forgot about Canada411. My hotmail account is my first and last name. Is this possible? Do you think somebody looked up my name and found my address? I posted the same roommate message on Stillepost as well, and I'd think it would be more likely that that board is the culprit rather than this. Still pretty fucked up though.

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Sorry about the loss good Rev. Losing gear is a heart breaker forsure. Unfortunatly, my instincts also point to someone who knows you. The fact that they tried to gain entry through your window first indicates that they likely knew you weren't home. Could be a lucky guess but something to think about. Also, people that scope out houses to rob (professional burglers) don't drink beers in the back while they load stuff into cars. But the fact that the had time to drink a beer also indicates that they knew that no one was likely going to be home anytime soon.

It might not even be directly someone you know. Maybe friend of a friend that might have been over and then learned about you show. Not that you don't already have enought to think about but if you find out who did it you can increase your chances of getting you stuff back.

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This situation must be quite crumby to be going through, GoodRev. You seem to be taking it like a man though. Good luck with bringing these perps to justice!

....I feel a GoodRev benefit concert may be in order here.

I agree. I have the schoolhouse booked July 8. No bands booked though. How about WTTS and a GoodRev outfit come down and fuckin rock it! Proceeds to the crook fund. Let me know!

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