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Calamity Jane

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And thank you, everybody, for all the kind wishes :)! It was a huge and busy weekend, but I think another day or two should do the trick for getting all my wheels back on the rails (must be getting old or something). Thanks too to the Bathurst St. folks for putting us up and sacrificing their beds, flymykitehigh for that awesome dinner, and Basher for the absolutely fucking amazing seats at John Prine ("What's this "A" on the ticket mean? I haven't seen one there before") - whatever magic you weave to find what you find, it's an unmitigated good :).

It was so good to have seen so many folks over the weekend; I try not to miss Southern Ontario, but you make it hard. I was very glad to have finally met fluffhead77 - to whom I also wish a happy birthday, with regrets for having missed the Sat. rager (I was of no use to anyone by that point); I'm thinking we should just roll together a gi-normous bash for the same weekend next year to keep the transit and multi-day party sketch factor at bay ;).

That said, here's to finding new ways to squeeze the last of the good bits out of the 30s ;). Apparently after this year I turn, categorically as it were, into an old fart (well ok, more of one than I already am).

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I can't believe I almost missed this thread! :o I really have to get back to spending more time around here. *blush*

Dearest, most wonderful Dave, I hope your birthday was an absolute blast. I miss you and the fam terribly and can't wait until my next (snowy?) visit to Osgoode. May the coming year be full of drunken gut laughs, rich blessings, a healthy family and more rock and roll than you can shake a stick at. I love you from the bottom of my heart and am so glad I have had the chance to share so many amazing good times with you over the last few years. Happy day to a not-so-evil mouse. hehehehe

Best wishes, KM

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