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Why is there such non-acknowledgement for new bands?


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So there was the article a couple months ago talking about supporting new bands and keeping the scene alive. Well if anyone out there has some advice to get a brand new fresh band to slowly ease tehmselves into the scene I'd be grateful to get any sort of clues. As I have found out "shamelessly" promoting a show on this site simply does not work or even get a view. So I ask some of you for advice, as I know its out there.

Peace and Love,


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I highly recommend making a CD of one of your shows, and handing it out at gigs (yours or other bands'). Print on the CD the name of the show, but also "Please burn copies of this disc for your friends."

You may be surprised how quickly those discs proliferate (if the toonz are good).

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Hey Rich,

A while ago you sent me a message asking you to check out some of your band's songs and give you some feedback. My apologies for not getting back to you ... it's just tough to keep up and give meaningful feedback to people. I'm listening to some of your myspace stuff right now and I'd say that your band definitely has potential ... jammy, funky ... I'm currently listening to "U do my U" and it is cooking. I wish I could say more but can't without more listening, a live experience, etc. Unfortunately, there are only so many hours in the day.

I like StoneMtn's idea ... it's a good way to get the music and the band name out there I think.

Good luck, stay positive, keep on playin', and keep on doing what you can to get heard.

For anybody else, check out Automatic Groove Mechanics web site and give them some feedback.

Peace, Mark

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i would echo most of what has already been said, and would add that the selection of tunes on your myspace page is pretty good. u do me u is quite good...

as far as getting no response from here when you post gigs, go to your audience. buy that jay cleary fellow a beer and bend his ear about opening for something somewhere more local to the folks on here.

for the cost of a spindle of cd's, mister mountain also has a very good idea. get your music out there, and keep at it. you guys seem to have a pretty good groove going.

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do it because you love to do it

people will come

people won't come

you're job is to play your ass off

if you want to be a rock star,

play something besides the music of this scene.

it feels pretty fucking good to play though.

i suggest rocking out

as much as you can.

good luck.

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Attempt to book some opening spots for bands that you feel are in the same ballpark as your band. Also find the spots that these bands play at and get gigs there. Be prepared to make relatively nothing for awhile. Just try to play to as many people as you can and it will eventually start to pay off.

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hmmmm....play lots and lots and lots and lots of shows. Play live as much as bloody possible in any bloody venue you can get a gig. People like bands when they sound like they've played together a lot. To get that "played together a lot sound" trying playing together a lot. Like jamming-rehearsing as much as possible. Politely remind people when you've got a show coming up. I never hear about local bands through CD's. I hear local bands when other people tell me to check them out because they've seen them somewhere and recommend them. People will see your band and recommend you, when you play all the bloody time. Make friends with promoters and give them your CD and play any show at any timr at the drop of a hat. Encourage the hell out of anyone who wants to tape your shows and disseminate those recordings to as many people as possible.

Maybe consider a name change, not that names are that important (just ask moe. or Umphrey's McGee) That name sounds a bit uninspired like "Manual Funk Electricians" or "Standard Rock Drivers" or "Average Jam Band"

Just IMO....

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Try and get an afternoon slot or something at one of the Come Together Festivals (or something equivalent to that). As much as I love supporting new bands, like Tonin said, there are only so many hours in a day, and so it is hard to pick and choose which shows to go to.

That said, I have always loved Come Together because it provides me with the opportunity to hear a whole host of bands that I may otherwise have not gone out to see. A little exposure there could get things rolling for you.

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Is the question "Why is there such non-acknowledgement for new bands" referring to here, on this message board? Or in real life?

This board is full of old fogies who grew up on BNB, Nero, the Fat Cats, etc and aren't interested in any of that new-fangled noise the kids are playing today.

Seriously though, do you really expect to draw a new crowd based on a couple of message board posts here? In reality, the bands I mentioned above built up a fan base and then many of them migrated to this website. Not the other way around.

There's lots of good suggestions in this thread. Keep playing, build yourself a following, invite them join this site and take it over. Don't worry about the crusty old-timers. Another piece of advice that's typically handed out is to join the community discussion, don't just post advertisements.

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Cozy up to everyone you know who plays in a band and try to get some opening slots. That way you'll get some of the other band's crowd, you can play a short set of your best material, and because opening sets are earlier, people might still be sober enough to remember your band's name the next day. And you can start boozing when you finish and check out the other band. I second the name change idea too. Sorry dude, but Auto Groove Mechanics doesn't grab my attention. The tunes sound pretty good though, especially U Do Me U. If you've got more songs as good as that one then I'm sure word will spread.

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I think there's lots of discussion of new bands on this site. They just don't happen to all be "jambands", and the discussion tends to arise because people are inspired to talk about impressive artists, not because they're prompted to.

As others have said, you're better off creating a buzz for yourselves with your performances or through people listening to your tunes than by posting about the band here.

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