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Best female rock singer ever!


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I love Etta James, Koko Taylor, Billie Holiday and the rest of the blues legends.

Since we're now mentioning blues, R&B and jazz singers, then I have to mention Nina Simone. I just started listening to her in the past year, and she gives me goosebumps. Her cover of the Jacques Brel song "Ne me quitte pas" blows me away.

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I don't know if that is true, but I do know that she spent some time as part of the Dead Family in her early years. She is in a couple of Dead photos from the 1972-73 era.

She's one of the kids on the back cover of Aoxomoxoa!!


But there's no question that her dad was Dead roadie Hank Harrison.

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ollie, that's not apparently, that's fact! :)

So by PP's standards, todays players are better guitarists than Jerry Garcia because Jerry hasn't done anything for us lately?

that part of my post was not an open blanket statement that people who are still alive are better than dead people because the dead people are dead. it was a specific comparision between courtney love & janis joplin (which is not even really a fair comparision because janis IS more blues than rock n' roll). i'm not denying janis had talent, i'm not denying she's awesome, and i'm not even denying that she is a legend. if janis were still alive, and if her career she had forayed more into the rock n' roll side of things, then yeah, maybe she would be the 'winner'. but she's not alive. her life was cut tragically short, and courtney is still as alive & fierce as always, so all things considered, in this particular rating, i do think courtney is #1.

my post also had nothing to do with guitar players. :) but since you asked ;) , yes, i do think there are alive musicians that are better rock n' roll guitarists than jerry (dean ween & steve stevens come to mind). even that might not be totally fair because i haven't seen jerry shred on an electric guitar in the type of rock & roll guitar god solo that i have seen deaner & steve stevens perform. but even that does not fall under a blanket statement though -- i would also say that jimi hendrix, who is not only dead, but died at just 27 (imagine what he could do now!) was probably better than all three of them, maybe even combined.

so there! thhhhhbt! :D

oh, and cosmic chris, i agree that courtney looked better before her surgeries (actually, i think she looked best between some of the older ones and how she looks now), but there are rumours that her most recent nose job was more reconstruction and repairing of damage (drugs are so cool!) than just vanity for the heck of it. i believe it, if you look at the new bridge of her nose, it is much wider than it was before, and i don't think that's something she would choose to do if she could help it.

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I'm not a real fan of The Pretenders, but to brush them off isn't right.

just want to clarify that i wasn't brushing them off out of non-like or disrespect, just i don't see them as a rock band. i love the pretenders.

genres are tricky. tricky tricky tricky. HUH!

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Janis Joplin is one of the most over-rated performers I can think of. Her pathetic caterwauling tires my ears. Sure she was passionate, but so what?

There, I said it...

I've always likened her to the sound of an abnormally upset hippopotomus being born.

Those baby-boom bastards really perpetuated the myth of greatness among some of their idols.

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Janis Joplin is one of the most over-rated performers I can think of. Her pathetic caterwauling tires my ears. Sure she was passionate, but so what?

There, I said it...

While I like her singing, when she starts that shrieking, my ears start demanding danger pay.



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