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Lovin' the love and kind words ... it's easy to wear a smile when surrounded by wonderful people, both in person and in cyberspace.

43 years old, and still feeling 33 ... the last 10 years or so have been golden for this guy. Still lots of ups and downs on this journey through life, but the basline is at a much higher level than it was when I was a teen or in my 20's. I just wish I could run the last 10 years through my Line 6 looper to relive some magic and add some more effects before moving on, as life is moving much too quickly for my liking. 43 is great, but I must admit, I get a little freaked out if I think too much about what's next.

Remember yesterday, dream of tomorrow, live for today ...

Peace, love and hugs to the wonderful group of skanks I've connected with over the years.


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Happy Birthday Mark,

HOpe you had a wonderful day filled with all things good. It was soooooo nice to spend some time with you at Grateful Fest. You are what the scene and good friends are all about - happiness, love, wild dancin' - infectious to say the least!!!

Seems very odd that it's your birthday and I got a nice NRPS show in the mail from you (Thank you!!). ANd I LOVED the stamp on the package - a great Gordon Lightfoot (a la Gord's Gold) stamp - that'll be the first stamp in my collection!

All the best Mark - keep shinnin'!!

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Mark... how did I not know it was your birthday yesterday??? I'm a bad friend...

Nonetheless I was so glad that you and Liana were able to make it out to our place. It's true, you always light up your surroundings, and bring happiness to those who are in your presence.

Thanks for being such a sincere and caring friend.

Cheers to you, (and hopefully we'll see you again tongiht)


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Mark... how did I not know it was your birthday yesterday???

I was so tempted to call for everyone's attention and propose a toast to the birthday boy but, knowing how embarrased I would have been had it been me I decided to let it go.

I actually have no memory of Mark Wilson dragging me onto the stage at CTMF that time. It was horrific and it's been totally blocked from my memory. I was hoping the recordings would have captured it but by some stroke of luck they malfunctioned at exactly that time.

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