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And I Bid You Goodnight..... (that's all folks)


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Well, time has almost come for me to pack up and go. I leave early in the morning, next Friday for a year (or more) in Leeds, UK. I won't have Internet access in my loft and will only be able to use the Internet at school, so suffice to say, I won't be online all that much.

I just want to say (pouring my heart out here) that I really appreciate all the kindness and good vibes that all you folks have given me. I've practically grown up in this scene, from a aggravating fifteen year old punk to the aggravating twenty-one year old punk I am now, and I have made some incredible friends on this board, and have truly enjoyed every minute I share with each and every one of you.

You guys make me laugh, smile, cry and most of all, never stop thinking. I guess that's the reason I'm leaving in a nutshell. Transferring schools to Leeds will rejuvinate my mind and hopefully give me a clearer grasp of what the hell I want to do with myself.

Thank you guys for coming out to my shows, reading my work and all the support and criticism I've received over the years. It has really helped define who I am as a person, and who I strive to become. (especially you zero)

When I come back to Canada, who knows what's going to happen with me. I may book, I may write, I may get out of it entirely... but whatever I do, I know all you guys are supportive and critical of what I do, and for that I thank you.

Anywho, to cut the emotion... my last party in Canada will be this weekend at Come Together . If you are coming, please make sure to come over and say goodbye, because I'm surely gonna miss all you guys.

Anywho, see ya around.

Much Love-

Shain (house)

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Are you still here? Seriously get going already.

Okay fine I'll get semi-mushy and say that one day you will learn to not completely bastardize the english language. Okay? And maybe you will grow some taste in music over there too. Best advice is bring a kickin' Great Big Sea mix tape cause you know that's what they're going to think Canadian music is over there. Be well I'm sure you will do great.

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Aaaaaaaaahhhh. The mentor's shell has finally been cracked. This is like when Darth Vader finally came around.

i'm tearing up here like a bridesmaid. just beautiful.

Shain, have a wonderful trip abroad. Take it all in, and don't believe anything the Leprechauns tell you. They are all filthy liars. Your enthusiasm and exemplary positivity will definitley be missed. BE well, take care and Have fun!

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I won't see you before you go Shain - thanks for the time at your cottage and the other good times we've had together. I'm glad you've been able to do what you've done and are about to do. just remember - everyone over there has an accent. even you. play it up and remember that british girls like canadian guys. Life will be smooth sailing once you get past the teeth.

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Cheers my friend,I truly regret not being able to attend ctmf now,but with my new job and lack of funds this week its not in the cards.Sorry I'll miss the going away bash.

We'll cross paths soon my friend,perhaps in november,I know we spoke of a possible trip to the dam...for the cup.Keep it in mind.We'll even hit one of those karaoke places in honor of Walter "Show-whore" Sobchak. ;)

Be well brother Shain & keep in touch,I know you'll do great.

Safe journeys.

Cheers to ya,


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I'm going to miss those "Sorry, I can't make it" posts, I could always rely on you to make Shain.

Now we'll know you really can't make it. ;)

Seriously Shain, thanks for all you've done for this scene and especially Pepper Jack's. You've always worked hard to help with promoting any of our shows whether you had booked them or not. Postering, posting, flyering, writing, attending, puking, you've done it all for us. Always in an honest fashion, from the heart, sans sketch.

We'll miss you here in the Hammer. I hope you have a blast in the UK.

Make sure you hook us up with the Heady Palmy bands.

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Have an incredible time there. You deserve the best with all that the efforts that you put out to share the things with people, that you know need to be shared.

I'm sure you'll stay in touch on the ol' internet. I think they now have some sort of pipe that connects our computers to british computers for the internet. Probably 1/2 inch at the least.


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KC pretty much took the words out of my mouth.

Thanks for all your help over the years Shain you always the honest,positive unjaded guy just trying to help.

where's my heady contact list for clubs in the UK. I could think of a few band we could send over there. they would sh!t there pants at the site of JSB in UK.

Have a great time.

The best part about you leaving people will stop thanking me for writing stories for them. Do you have any idea how many people I've had to explain to that "i'm Shane buy not shain."

peace from the east Shane.

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You know, you're the third person in as many days that's told me that they're going overseas for a year or so...man, this is going to be one lonely year.

On the bright side, I can say I know folks all over the world, and you get to expand your horizons monumentally I expect ::

Anyway, I miss you already, so don't forget to check in and fill us in on every adventure you have ;)

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