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Bradm appreciation thread!


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I can't tell you how many times Bradm has offered to watch the door and/or the merch table for me so I could have a break here and there at a show. How many of you other fu©ker would do that?!? (rhetorical question, no thread stealing allowed)

BRADM (Bradm Rocks At Da Merch) is desrving of much praise.

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Nope. It's Boundless Reverence And Deprecating Modesty that's kept me from replying. Well, that, and waiting for more praise ::...and the fact that I've been focusing on listening to a show I recorded to make sure it's of uploadable quality.

Back in August, 2004, on the 3rd anniversary of me seeing nero for the first time, I commented

I've made more friends, seen more shows (125 days with shows in 2003, alone), and done more in the past three years than I'd done in the ten years before. I don't amalgate well (there's a certain bit of loner in my psyche), but this community has, without thinking, I believe, it's just the way it works, welcomed me, and allowed me to grow and do what I can and be what I am (and have become). It's given me so much, and allowed me to give back so much, that I can't (and don't want to) imagine what my life would be (and would have been) without all of it.

As to my taping efforts, I commented to my Mom and brother in an e-mail on Monday (after taping Contact, JSB, and BNB)

What's better than doing something fun that you love, and then sharing it with people who were there, and who weren't there, but should have been?

Thanks, everybody.



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