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Happy Birthday Esau!


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Thanks folks! Wish ya'll could have been there.(Rev...:shakes fist: lol)

Well it was a serious good time of music,friends & more music this weekend.Kicked it off thrusday with short,comical show with Acousticats at the Casbah (appropriately titled "We cater to men in their thirties" - AcoustiCats).Then we lit 'er up right on friday night at Dave (of Fat Cats) & Leigh's stag & doe in Dundas (at the legion) with an absolutley fantastic night of partying,music & friends,such awesome way to celebrate a birthday,couldn't have planned somthing better in my opinion.Cheers to Dave & Leigh.

After an alnighter on friday ,while everyone else was still fast asleep at my friends Steph & James new condo I decided to wander the streets of Dundas as Busker fest was slwoly coming to life,sorta waiting for a bar to open & by noon was asked to leave a bar after throwing back five quick beers within a hour & trying to order three more at once (I was alone),so I wandered up to the Collin's Hotel,ordered a shot of rye,two 50's and awaited the arrival of the rest of the freaks & the Acousticats for three (yep three) solid acoustic sets (outdoors) ,good times in the sun and mass consumption of anything with a alcohol percentage in it.Then it was back to Steph & James place for more cases of beer & some acoustic jams of our own then off to catch three more acoustic sets of Fat Cats at the Winchester arms later that evening.

Decided to pass on the last three sets of Acousticats today (sunday) and made my ma happy by heading home for some family birthday celebrations & dinner with my neices & nephew.

Only downside this weekend was having a full glass of wine get spilled on my laptop keyboard friday night after the stag & doe.Looking like its bit the dust but will know more afrter I take it to the shop,only two things on my 5 year warranty not covered:

1.If it is dropped.



Going try & see if I can "persuade" the tech where I'm taking it tomorrow to fix it anyway under the warranty,failing that,I guess unfortunatley someone will be owing me a new laptop.

Worst part is thursday's & friday's Fat Cats sets(missing set one of friday) were on it and I hadn't even had a good chance to give them a listen yet.Although,it was/is only a computer & we still partied our asses off after that alnight & all the next day & evening.Plowin....full force.

Thanks to Fat Cats for 9 great sets of music over the four days (bday requests and all),wish I could have made it out today for the last three,Steph,James,Dean,Rob,Ivonna(sp?),Julia for putting me up for two daze and spending it with me,no matter how much I drooled & slurred,also everyone else that came out to party with me or crossed paths with me on thursday,friday & saturday,it made for one the best birthday weekends I've had in many a year.

I even furthered my catolog of tasteless humor. :lol:

[edit to add]

Hey Booche,if you get to reading this,Steph,James,Dean,Rob,Ivonna & Julia (folks you jammed with at ctmf) say hello & extend the welcome to ya if your ever down this way.

And it was great to see you Rob (Absolute Route) & meet your new daughter,again my friend..Congratulations to you guys,I look forward to seein ya'll again soon.

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