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whats up with your username?


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Where does the e come from?

And better yet, how the heck did Booche come about? ;)

You'll have to ask Myrna that story ;)

BTW, I hadn't thought of that trip back from finger lakes in a while. I remember that I was to head to Smiths Falls, and you asked me to just drop you off at the exit so you could hitch home. Didn't you meet a hot chick on that adventure?

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Michel Joseph Bouchard
Where does the e come from?

I know enough french to know that your alias means 'MOUTH' -- I just assumed Sharon nicknamed ya, 'cause you are a mouthy little fugger!!

I mean that in the best sense , of course! (I don't want to get myself dis-invited from the hot-tub this weekend!)

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Circa 1991 - I used to work at Bell Northern Research. Driving out of the parking lot one evening, the guy I carpooled with noticed the car ahead of us had a license plate frame that said "Software by Day, Hardware by night". We both had a good laugh at that. A few seconds later I said, "Oh yeah, well I'm a geek by day and a freak by night", and it stuck.

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Back when I first posted on this board years ago, I noticed that it was Ottawa based. At the time... I had just run into a friend of mine from highschool in Ottawa at Zaphods 2. In HS, folks called me Hish Hosh, Hish, Hersh...etc because of my last name Heisholt. When my friend Kevin in Ottawa saw me after a bunch of years, he instantly said "'ersh!". I needed a login name and the Ottawa reference brought me to that.

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What a great thread!

At the time I signed up on the Sanc I was the only chick in a band called Dr. Huxtable.

I guess since the band is no longer I could change it to Mrs. Bouche, but there's already too many Bouchards on this board and to be honest I don't want to be associated with them. ;)

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Guest Low Roller

I thought "High Roller" was pompous and essentially a big lie. So that's where Low Roller came from.

A few of the borderline illiterate called me Low Rider for a while.

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Easy...Canadian Tire catalogue...working late...thinking of username...flip open to random page...place finger on random page...Voila...rubberdinghy

hah! i always thought it had something to do with the dingy things that ya gotta pull on the buses to get the driver to stop at the next stop... arent they covered in some sort of rubber, or vinyl, or perhaps some type of polycarbonate plastic blend? and the whole bus driver thing you got goin on there... guess i was wrong, though.

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