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happy birthday instagator

mark tonin

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happy birthday buddy... (dirty 30? thats ok, I thought you were already over 30 :))

sorry I couldn't make it out to throw it down with ya, was really looking forward to it all month... you know I'm good and sick if I miss an event like that (totally miserably laid up for over a week now, on my first antibiotics in a decade)... hope you guys did er up right

'and when I listen to a really good song, I start nodding my head, like I'm saying Yeesss to every beat

yes! Yes! YES! this ROCKS!

And then sometimes I switch it up like no! No! NO! Don't stop-a-rockin!'


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Happy birthday stinker!

I hope you had an amazing birthday because you deserve it more than you know! You are the reason behind the smile lines on my face... your humour and support keeps me going. Thank you for everything baby... and most of all, for being the best dad our son could ever ask for. I love you so much!




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Gator, I hope you had a blast at your bday party. Your wonderful lady was up to all kinds of sneaking around organizing it. Sorry I couldn't make it, but I had festivities of my own to celebrate up north (Yay for August babies ;) ). I'm sure you did it up SoOn style!

HAPPY 30TH JAY!!! :cool:

That is one adorable pic. Awwww...

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Happy belated birthday Jay.

Wish I could of made it out to party with ya but I found out about it the night before & wasn't able to score a ride since no Hamilton folks seemed to be going.Hope ya had a blast,which I'm sure ya did buddy.

We should get the nero bowling team together again somtime to smoke a few frames & have a few drinks.

Watch your feet!

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Yeah, happy 30th buddy!! That's great!! Good job. Saturday night was a blast!! Right on to LMP for having such a rad idea for a birthday party. Also right on to Diesel Dog for putting on a such a rad show!

Click here to see all of my photos from the night!!



Bianca's band got things cookin with a spirited set of polyethnic-disco-funk-ragtime-afrobeat-jamtronica! Pure sickness!


Diesel Dog:


The cake:


During the night I commented to LittlemissPink how cool it was that she was able to get a cake with a gator on it. There was no doubt in my mind that there was a gator on gator's cake. You can imagine my confusion when LMP told me shedidn't think the cake had a gator on it. To prove her wrong, I took a photo of the cake and brought it and showed it to her. Seeing how impressed I was about the whole gator cake thing and not wanting to disappoint me, she let me go on believing it was a gator and not actually a flower. I didn't realize until the next afternoon that it was a flower.

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Happy Birthday Gator.....what an AWESOME time had! Great idea LMP - way to go for the gold!!

Thanks for being so amazing you two!!

It was great to see the gator up there playing his hart out with diesel dog !!!:)

Yup, definitely one of the funniest parts of the night!!!!!

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