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Question - Sisters Euclid w/ Dave Lauzon in Ottawa


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And, to bring it back to less puerile subject matter, can'o'phish and are going to have to figure out how best to have this taped. Since both acts are instrumental, stage micing would work for both (which is how c'o'p tapes SE, and also how I taped Lauzon), but a matrix of c'o'p on stage, and me in the audience, might also be good.



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Out of towners are WELCOME!

Who-ah! Twist my rubber arm why don't you! If I were able to find a heady ride... I'd be there in a flash!!! (flash = 5 hours' date=' give or take)[/quote']

I'd ride up with you Marge... Provided we can find someone to drive us...

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No idea who the Sisters are, but I think I know this Dave guy... I'm willing to take a chance. :) (Now watch this happening on a night I'm out of town.)

Dancingfool, there's no way you'd be able to sit still with the Sister's playing. download this sample and let me know if you have an ftp site and I'll upload you a show.

I'll probably put up a new show here very soon.

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