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So long everyone (off to Hong Kong)

afro poppa

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Well, I still have about 16 hours until I go but today is gonna be so hectic with packing and getting smashed that I won't have time to post any other time...so I figured I'd say good bye to yall now.

I am headin over to Hong Kong on an exchange program until May. I am gonna be studying courses that have nothing to do with my program but are mainly just electives and all that (for instance, I am taking a Mandarin course...even though they speak Cantonese over there...weird) After Hong Kong I will be travelling (hopefully) until September and hopefully doing some volunteer work over in Africa or something like that, not too sure.

Just wanted to let you know how great it is to see such amazing familiar faces at each and every show, its a great feeling knowing that if I go to a show alone, I'll still be able to find some dancing partners to groove along with!

If anyone is gonna be on my side of the world in the next few months let me know and we'll meet up!!

See erveryone in September!!

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