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Ryan Adams fall tour tracker


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It's all you Northern Wish....

All I did is smile and look pretty, so by all means you tell the story, besides I tell better stories in person than I do in a thread. (no comment Freeker)

I would like to say that I loved the show...the venue was awesome; the Cardinals rock; Ryan was in a great spirits (both during and after the show) and the highlight for me was definitely...Dear John..; and Magnolia Mountain; and Cold Roses and Easy Plateau...did I mention Dear John...I had goose bump!!


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Great night, great show, great friends, great city.

I had a blast overall. Got to the pre show meetup a little late but drinks were waiting for us on the table (Thanks guigsy!). Pounded a few and headed over the to theater about 10 minutes after everyone left. Checked out the awesome merch table (I like the poster, but the last show poster I got was hideous so its all about the comparison) and bought two beers (only $4.50!). Immediately I hear a bit of applause and they started right into Please Do Not Let Me Go. I was lucky that there were still lots of people in the lobby heading in, so I drank my beer while watching the opening song through the open doors at the back.

From there things got heavy. From my 6th row (DFC!) center seats we got to watch them closely. This was my first time in this beautiful venue and I was trying to take it all in. After Please Ryan and Neal started noodling the intro to Broadway, when Neal turned to Ryan- they both nodded at each other and instead tore into Peaceful Valley. I would love to see an actual setlist to see if they changed the show right then and there because it really felt like it. After about a half hour we chose to go halfway back to have some room to move around (show was about ½ sold) in some empty rows right behind the soundboard. The sound in the venue was heavenly and provided for some near teary eyed moments when they perfectly balanced longing whispered vocals with pounding guitar solos. Peaceful was very moving and they segued perfectly into Sorta (one of three segueways on the night). A few songs later Dear John started, and from getting emails from DaveO I was expecting the world from the slightly reworked version, and I got it. It was intense to hear the weeping guitars against the weeping lyrics “Through the window you never fixed, and the door you never latchedâ€. Wow this one went down to my soul. A few more tunes and the monster of the night reared its head: Magnolia Mountain. I heard a very distinct Dead jam in there that bordered on Bird Song but Booche assures me that while it was not that song that it was pretty damn close (and both Neal and Ryan echoed that sentiment post show). The last couple of songs were enjoyed with a Becks tall boy as dinghy actually went to the store across the street (mid set!) and brought us back in some beers (non musical highlight). From our vantage point we could see that more and more people were standing up and there were more people dancing in the empty aisles.

Next up was encore one: the solo piano tunes had people really pumped. I had never seen him do this before, so I was at rapt attention (a lot to say for this guy). Plath and Gal were beautiful and very very haunting. The last three tunes of this encore were fast and loud. Games in particular was a beatdown. I started to notice just how loud the bass was at this point, not sure if it got turned up but it was totally distinguishable. Ryan told a story about Bon Jovi that got the crowd laughing about his many costume changes and general cock rockiness: “What the hell is a Bon Jovi anyway?â€

One more encore, and then the house lights and music came up and I thought I had died and gone to heaven: wrong! Ryan and the boys came back out saying something about if they had to play with the houselights on they would. And they did.

Plateau was awesome, ended with a nice vocal arrangement that brought the band together with some gorgeous harmonies. Maybe a small tear here, not sure if it was the song or the fact that I knew it was over.

Afterwards we (me and voodoo) ran into Jon who told us the band was across the street at a restaurant so being bold and drunk we went over and right in and I asked them "If I could take a pic of your beautiful band with my beautiful girlfriend?", we figured playing a couple was better than them just seeing two rabid fans at the door. We were greeted with a yes and then Ryan took off his jacket and moved across the table to pose. The next half hour was just being ga ga at hanging out with Neal and Spacewolf, watching Ryan enjoy the Montreal steets, getting autographs and my girlfriend helping Ryan order a non alcoholic slurpee. At which point she told him that we saw him in June and "it was really really short" to which he replied "some are long, some are short. I've got to keep you guys guessing". Awesome!

My only regret of the night was not getting my picture taken with him, but I guess I'll save that for next time.

I talked up Bluesfest with them, so lets hope for a hometown show next July!

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i wasn't going to post my thoughts, but have had a change of heart. keep in mind that i loved the show. (it's my style to be a bit wishful / negative though)

My comments (copied and pasted from an email to Sean this morning):

1. The theatre was shit for an electric rock and roll show. Sound was bouncing everywhere and there was way too much bass and drums. coulda been due to my seat location (seventh row stage left), but good venues have good sound throughout. quieter events might sound good there, but not for electric based on that show.

2. After hearing the acoustic shows from the summer, the electric shows really pale in comparison. Muddy sound, distorted guitars all sound the same and there was no deciphering what was going on sometimes. I thought they were playing lazy at times, hiding behind noise, whereas with an acoustic setup you have to nail things every time. they’re totally capable of that. It was disappointing to see them spoil the venue with electric gear

3. could barely hear the pedal steel when the rest of them were going full guns. See my comments about acoustic playing

4. making up for most of that was the singing of ryan and the whole band. Outstanding. 6 stars out of 5. their singing went to 11

5. of course with a catalogue like his there will always be complaints about the setlist. No complaints about anything he did play (except shakedown on 9th street), but the list of songs he didn’t play is pretty decent, and I’ll definitely take note and next time he comes around I’ll have to hit more than one show so I can see all the songs I like. This isn’t fair to the show I saw in Montreal, but songs I still want to see live include let it ride, sun also sets, kiss before I go, to be young, the end, what sin, Carolina rain, two.. etc…. As Sean said to me, this is why we go to the next show. He's totally right.

6. The audience’s silence was sooo cool too. I’ve never heard a show that quiet before.

so to re-cap – I’m disappointed they didn’t play acoustically. The songs sound much better, it works with their style better, it complements the composition of the band better (pedal steel), it works with the harmonies better. And it would have worked with the awful venue soooooo much better.

Fair comments or not so much? Just to recap, I loved the show for what it was and give it 4.5 out of 5, and that’s rare for me to do. I don’t want anyone to think I didn’t enjoy it because I enjoyed every second. But if it was acoustic I would be on cloud 9, you know?

I shouldn’t base reviews on coulda woulda shoulda…. =)

the ride back to ottawa that night was torture.

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3. could barely hear the pedal steel when the rest of them were going full guns.

Except for the odd solo bit, I hardly heard the pedal steel at all, even when the rest of them were going less than full guns, and I was sitting right in front of the sound board. (That'd be my only complaint about the sound.)



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i didn't realise the tour was solely electric, no. nobody notes that on setlists i guess. i was thinking it was a continuation of the summer tour where they went back and forth.... oh well.

who is this dylan character? i hated it when he kept leading brenda on. he and kelly never shoulda dated.

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Fair comments or not so much?

Why wouldnt they be?

But I disagree on the sound (then again, I wasnt in your seats). I thought it sounded outstanding and could easily hear the separation between the instruments. When we saw him this summer on the acoustic tour, I was extremely disappointed with the lack of sound from the pedal steel. I heard it MUCH more this show if you can believe that. That instrument can easily get hidden.

I'll take any show in there.

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5. of course with a catalogue like his there will always be complaints about the setlist. No complaints about anything he did play (except shakedown on 9th street), but the list of songs he didn’t play is pretty decent, and I’ll definitely take note and next time he comes around I’ll have to hit more than one show so I can see all the songs I like. This isn’t fair to the show I saw in Montreal, but songs I still want to see live include let it ride, sun also sets, kiss before I go, to be young, the end, what sin, Carolina rain, two.. etc…. As Sean said to me, this is why we go to the next show. He's totally right.

I'd like to add that I would still like to see live...Taught myself how to grow old, AMY, These Girls, Life is Beautifull, and My Winding Wheel

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Regarding Guigsy's comment on show length I'd refute it and instead say (optimistically I guess) that the crowds respectfulness lengthened the set more than anything. It really was nice to have the quiet during solos, very few outbursts and a positive attitude overall.

AD that's a shame about sound quality, in centre of aisle where we were it was expectedly quite good though a bit loud I guess - no complaints.

Should the setlist above say "Easy Plateau with wall of sound Meltdown" or is that too specific? I love a good feedback meltdown.

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