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yup, huge thumbs up to that girl! she is hilarious, she is very kind, she is a bona fide HERO, she has the exact same IQ as me, so is obviously a highly intelligent individual ;), she has great taste in beer, she is an integral part in this community, she has a huge heart, and just plain old fricken rules as far as i am concerned. :D

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We've never met, but I want to say that you performed a seriously righteous deed helping out that woman this morning. I can't say with certainty if I would have been able to do the same. You helped out somebody who was truly in need, your actions went beyond kindness. You should be proud, and you're definately praise-worthy! Here's to ya, Douglas! :D

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You sure are a remarkable person Dougie. Not just for being the perfect soul mate for Booche, and not just for being the kind of friend that is selfless, kind in every way, incredibly considerate, tons of fun, easy to talk to and easy to laugh with, but also because life throws you huge obsticles and challenges and you handle them with strength, courage and integrity.

Wow, that could very well be the longest sentance ever. Basically you're one of the most amazing people. I love ya!

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Cheers to Douglas... One of the kindest people I've had the pleasure of meeting. I owe her and Booche so much for helping me get set up in Ottawa... I honestly feel like I've gained a sister since meeting her. She's good people, real good people...

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