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whats up with your username?


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Back in collage I was taking this "Interactive Multimedia" program. I was telling this guy about going on my first Phish tour, and because I'm a computer geek we were talking about all the high tech trippy things I could do in the lots to try and make some money. He called me a Cyber Hippie and it kinda stuck from there.

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not really sure how i got it. could have picked it myself (probable) or someone in the old Hookah crowd could have chosen it (backbacon, babsymudcock? you fellas remember?) anyway its a really cool song by ekoostik hookah as well as the first letter (sound) in their band name.

it has had many spinoffs over time: schwativa, schwazy, schwampy, something paisley called me last week but i can't remember, schekakezaaa (care of simone).....schwabie, schwazeeney, schwilly.......and the list goes on .... and on... all are fine, as long as you don't call me late for dinner (wha whaaaa)

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Bokonon is a calypso singer that made a religion that had many devout followers in a kurt vonnegut book.

yoko is the chick that broke up the beatles.

i like having people worship me and some anonymous loser called me yoko because they think i broke up diesel dog. which isn't true.

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Gr8FuL-My best freind got a orange vw microbus back when he graduated and his parents were gettin him a personalized license plate and i just thought of Gr8FuL immediatley...the dead,glad to have the bus..even though it was his ..i still got lotsa use outta it..and so i took it as my name on here..the end

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Once upon a time, there was a man named Joseph Tonin and a woman named Marie Macoretta. They fell in love and eventually got married and became Mr. and Mrs. Tonin. A year later, they had their first child, a son, and they named him Mark ... Mark Tonin. At this point in the story, I think that you can probably guess where my username comes from. :)

When I first signed up for this board, back when it was part of Phish Sanctuary, I was just trying to keep things simple. I have a hard enough time remembering names, passwords, etc. and I didn't want to add any extra names to the mix.

Over the years I've been called Tony, Toenails, Markus, Mr. T., Marky T., Marktangular, arkmouse, and I'm sure a bunch of other things by people that I've pissed off.

One thing that makes me smile about my username is that when I see people at shows, they'll call me by my username ... "Hey mark tonin, how's it going?" That still makes me giggle, as it's rare that people address me by my full name at work or in other situations.

Peace, Mark

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I guess I'm just unimaginative with names.

When I was 10 I named my cat, cat. Cat is still alive, with his brother Squeaky at my mums. I'd like to think Del and I did better with Darius, who's named after a nero song, and who is, in fact, hilarious.

I guess I just never felt the need to assign myself a name that wasn't my own, because, I LIKE my name, and haven't come across anything else I like more than it.

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I guess I'm just unimaginative with names.

Alexis, I totally disagree, given your post on Abeeloobeeloo (I really hope I remembered that right. In fact, I've been so hoping to run into you lately to ask if I could be your new "imaginary" friend (with the benefit of having some very real party enhancers!)

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Schwa, I'm pretty sure youpicked the name yourself... along with about 25 other identities you have used on this board over the past few years! :)

As for the origin on 'backbacon', well 9/01 I signed up here (IIRC) and called myself 'kung' and then I went to bnb in kingston on h'ween and met bouche (IIRC) and he looked at me strangely asked me if I was 'that kung.' I was puzzled and proceeded to tell me the story of this other 'kung' who wrote a very unflattering bnb review. Except he wasn't actually at the show... it was a second-hand review or something. The next week I mentioned on this US mb that I frequented that I needed to change my name and asked for suggestions. This one guy on that mb who was from Canada but lived in Fla suggested 'backbacon' and that is what I went with.

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