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Good Vibes Needed...

Steve from Cleveland

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Hey all,

It's been a ROUGH night! My dad had a pretty bad heart attack this morning at about 1AM. He went to the ER where he flatlined about 6 or 8 times. They kept having to shock him to bring him back. Pretty scary shit! Anyhow, he's resting now, with his temporary pacemaker installed, waiting to be transferred to a hospital where they'll implant a permanant pacemaker. My mom and I came back to try to get some rest befor the surgery later today, so we're just hoping for the best right now. I know many of you don't really know me, but still, I'd appreciate all the heady good vibes we can get from you lovely folks up north!

By the way, when I left the hospital, my car was COVERED in fallen Maple Leaves of all different colors... Put a big smile on my face when I needed it most...

Thanks for keeping us in your thoughts... I'll post an update when we hear something...

Steve from Cleveland, and Family

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{{{{{{{{{{{{{Steve and Family from Cleveland}}}}}}}}}}}}}

All the best to your and you, Steve. My Dad had heart trouble (congestive heart failure, with the sac around the heart occasionally filling up with fluid, requiring trips to ER; he ultimately died of a heart attack) for years, and it's a tough thing to deal with. I hope it all works out.



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*gasp* steve!!! oh my goodness!!!

ohhhh, i am so, so, sorry to hear about this. i am relieved to hear your dad is still hanging in there, though. and hey, if ANY of the moxie you have is from him, i think it's safe to say he'll get through his.

lots of warm happy coloured maple leaf thoughts & love to your family.

((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((( steve's dad kicks some heart attack ass & is home & in tip-top shape in no time)))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))

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