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Good Vibes Needed...


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Hey Ya'll...

I just need some good vibes. I've gone through absolute hell the past few days and it's definitely going to be getting worse as days go by. There is nothing worse in life than watching someone die.

There is nothing anyone can do, but if anyone has good vibes hangin' around, please pass them over, because I could sure use them.



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There is nothing worse in life than watching someone die.

There is something worse: dying alone. Shared pain is lessened, shain, so by being there, and even just watching, you're helping.

One batch of vibes comin' your way.



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Thinking of you Shain. I can certainly relate to this one. A very helpless situation. But as pointed out above, it is an inevitable part of life, and a very intimate process. Here's hoping that the beautiful moments of life become all the more apparent to you....

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Shain, I'm so sorry you are going through such a rough time. It sounds horrible. Just remember your strong and you can get through it... and e mail me if you need to vent about ANYTHING!!!!(sarahbelle_80@hotmail.com..just in case U don't have it)


also know that I'm sure everyone here is supporting you and thinking of you..


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It seems being more open about these things is helping me, and you guys are part of my support, so here goes...

Without itemizing, I now live in the palliative care ward at princess margaret hospital in Toronto. I came in on an emergency flight from Holland via the UK last week and am caring for my sister, who is in the final stages of battling, and god forbid unfortunately losing to cancer. She is no longer able to communicate or move, and I can't believe I'm saying this, but I'm down to hours, hopefully days with her. She is 26, and to whoever knows her, she is an amazing person. Good vibes please, atleast for her peaceful rest and comfort. That's all I'm praying for.

(thank god for this computer in the ward... it keeps me somewhat sane)

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Unfortunately I am all too familiar with the Princess margaret Hospital. In fact your posting is stirring up a lot within me as I type...

I have recently had very similar experiences.

Mind you, your sister is sooo young (far too young), and therefore I can't even fully imagine how much more difficult and tragic this must be for you. It is very frustrating to make sense of something like this.

I feel your pain. Just remember there is light around every corner. When time allows continue to surround yourself by people that love you, and laughter.

PM if you ever want to chat more.

My thoughts are with you and your family...

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i've lost 2 grandmonthers in the last 2 months and seen lots of palliative care. when a 90 year old dies, it's sad...when A 20something person is struck down like this it's a tragedy. condolences to you and your sister and family....

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