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Au Revoir!

Guest Low Roller

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Guest Low Roller

Nothing long and mushy, but just wanted to say goodbye to everyone I haven't had a chance to see in the past couple of weeks, or have seen and want to say goodbye to again. I take off for Paris in a couple of hours, so to everyone take care, enjoy some live music, enjoy good company, and take care of yourselves. Life offers many opportunities, but it's up to you to recognize them. Nothing is done for you.


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Take care and all the best my friend. Don't forget to french kiss some french girls. ;)

and try and incorporate a french fry if you can?.. maybe just ram one up your own butt, mid-kiss. that'd be a neat story. anyway..

I totally thought you were leaving next week and we were going to send you off properly this weekend at bnb?! Bummer. I'll think of you while I drink too much. Have a wonderful trip, and we'll see you back here when its colder than opposite-hell! travel safe roller.

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Have a good time, and try to do all the stuff I wouldn't necessarily do (milquetoast that I am, often).

In Paris, it's a blast to just wander. Take a tourist map with you, and consult it now and then, but just make random turns, or go down streets that might seem interesting. Stop and have a coffee or tea, or just roam and gawk. And bring back (or make up; we won't know the difference :) ) some stories for us!



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