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Ryan Adams fall tour tracker


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Yom Kippur be damned, I really want to fucking see this show.

I don't get it. If that's the way you feel about a religious holiday, why bother "celebrating" it? Should you not WANT to be a part of it?

Please don't take that as any sort of jab or insult. I truly am just curious.

I had a couple of tour buddies back when I was seeing Dead shows and the Jewish holidays always seemed to pose a problem for them. They'd try to explain to their families that Mickey was Jewish and he was going to be there ;) It seemed to me that their dilemma wasn't with their faith, but rather with the fear of the wrath of their parents/grandparents?

While many people may experience euphoria and spiritual connections in churches and religious settings, I have found mine at magical moments at shows (the IT or "X" factor when it's pumping to the nth degree).

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It seemed to me that their dilemma wasn't with their faith, but rather with the fear of the wrath of their parents/grandparents?

That's pretty close to on the money, except I fear no wrath. Rather, the religion is probably as important to my folks and grandmother as music is to me. If I fail to participate, I break their hearts a little bit. I'm almost entirely non-religious but I still would rather not hurt their feelings too much, you know?

Anyway tonight I came up with a great compromise. Spent 45 mins in synagogue, slipped out, booted it to Massey, picked up a single floor seat at the box office, saw the show. And holy fuck was it killer! I couldn't even believe the setlist. Tons and tons of more popular numbers; the first 6 (at least) were Cold Roses/Jacksonville tunes. Dear John was as incredible as people described here. Opener was Kiss Before I Go followed by Beautiful Sorta. Games was one of those first 6 as well and it was KILLER, it has to be one of my favourite Jacksonville tunes.

Ryan became talkative about halfway through the show and remained so. Good vibe, only one encore but it was nice and long (Syl. Plath again, solo piano). Closed with Sweet Carolina and they appeared to be showing the bass player the chords as they played it, which made me wonder if it's been a while since he's played this tune (possibly not at all with the current bass player? He was hired about a year ago).

The band = amazing. Voices, just as you all said, were incredible, and the playing was out of this world. I wish I could see it all again tomorrow night.

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Closed with Sweet Carolina

SWEEEEEEEEEEET! I had two songs on my block and that was one of them. Lucky you guys/gals.

Thanks. Great post buddy.

Outside of what you wrote, did you happen to see the show poster? I am dying to hear what they did with the Toronto show. Hopefully it isnt another hockey theme but if it is:

(Leafs suck)

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Does this look right because it looks totally awesome (I grabbed it from the Ryan Adams archive).:

1. A Kiss Before I Go

2. Beautiful Sorta

3. Cold Roses

4. Good Night Rose

5. Dear John

6. Games

7. Let It Ride

8. Freeway to the Canyon (Neal solo)

9. Tears of Gold

Talking to the crowd: "when your yelling stuff you just sound like cavemen" Ryan starts to grunt. The whole band starts grunting like cavemen.

10. Rescue Blues

11. Dear Chicago

12. Wild Flowers

Talking to the crowd:

Women "I want to have your baby!"

Ryan "Wait I heard that! You think your having a baby? Listen you should know if your having a baby. Maybe you just ate some weird Thai food. When I eat spicy food I sometimes feel like I'm going to have a baby

13. Peaceful Valley

14. Please Do Not Let Me Go

15. Night birds

16. Carolina Rain

Talking to the crowd: "wow during that song I threw up a little in the back of my mouth. I felt a little chunk come up...the best part is I swallowed it. I don't have to make out with me. I could eat a bowl of green onions and it would not make a difference with me. My mike kinda smells now."

17.Magnolia Mountain


18. Sylvia Plath

talking to the crowed: why are you clapping I don't even know what I'm going to play

19. Sweet Lil Gal

20. Sweet Carolina"

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Ah, it's all coming back to me now. Yeah, that looks about right. Solid show for sure, although I wouldn't call it mind blowing. The closer and encores were really great in particular. Funny banter for sure, fortunately they were going with the flow with the whole caveman thing. The thai food and "I just puked in my mouth" stories were pretty hillarious, not the type of banter you usually hear at a show. You'll all be able to hear it for yourselves soon enough...

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Wow I had a great time last night...first time seeing Ryan and I was not disapointed...took my parents too and they had tons of fun. Like so many people in this thread have already said, I was totally blown away by his voice...anyway looking forward to your recording Weirdness (I assume thats what you ment by us being able to hear it soon!).

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Wow I had a great time last night...first time seeing Ryan and I was not disapointed...took my parents too and they had tons of fun. Like so many people in this thread have already said, I was totally blown away by his voice...anyway looking forward to your recording Weirdness (I assume thats what you ment by us being able to hear it soon!).

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1. A Kiss Before I Go

2. Beautiful Sorta

3. Cold Roses

4. Good Night Rose

5. Dear John

6. Games

7. Let It Ride

8. Freeway to the Canyon (Neal solo)

9. Tears of Gold

Talking to the crowd: "when your yelling stuff you just sound like cavemen" Ryan starts to grunt. The whole band starts grunting like cavemen.

10. Rescue Blues

11. Dear Chicago

12. Wild Flowers

Talking to the crowd:

Women "I want to have your baby!"

Ryan "Wait I heard that! You think your having a baby? Listen you should know if your having a baby. Maybe you just ate some weird Thai food. When I eat spicy food I sometimes feel like I'm going to have a baby

13. Peaceful Valley

14. Please Do Not Let Me Go

15. Night birds

16. Carolina Rain

Talking to the crowd: "wow during that song I threw up a little in the back of my mouth. I felt a little chunk come up...the best part is I swallowed it. I don't have to make out with me. I could eat a bowl of green onions and it would not make a difference with me. My mike kinda smells now."

17.Magnolia Mountain


18. Sylvia Plath

talking to the crowed: why are you clapping I don't even know what I'm going to play

19. Sweet Lil Gal

20. Sweet Carolina"

The banter WAS great, even though I think half the place was worried that if somebody said the wrong thing he'd march off. He did seem to need more piano in his monitor every time he sat down there, and he knocked his fist on the top of it to signal his monitor guy a few times. His guitar tech handed him a Strat and some idiot hollered "Let It Ride", and I thought it was all over, but then they actually played Let It Ride. But there was immediately some problem with the Strat, it had a capo on it and either the tech had given it to him in the wrong tuning or it was out of tune or the capo was on the wrong fret or something and he was visibly frustrated; he sang the first verse while tuning back up and ditched the Strat right after that tune.

He had been giving his monitor guy big sweeping hand signals all night and was still visibly frustrated, so sometime around the Strat incident (I think as he was handing the guitar back to his tech) he had some conversation with either the tech or somebody else sidestage, and then said something to the guys in the band. I was sitting right by the soundboard and during the next song an older guy comes out to talk to the FOH guy and I couldn't hear what he said, but at the end they both kind of raised their eyebrows as if to say, "Can you believe that?". Anyway then I looked over by the stage and the much younger monitor tech had moved over and was standing against the wall and an older guy was running the monitor board. So my hypothesis is that he had a new monitor guy step in mid-show, which is kind of crazy.

In any event, though, it was a great, great show. Those descriptions of the banter only really touch upon the themes, in reality they were much longer and drawn out; looking forward to hearing that recording.

Oh also, I realize now that Goodnight Rose was in that first chunk of tunes and that's actually from the new record, so I was mistaken in saying they were all Jacksonville/Cold Roses tunes. I thought last night's version was particularly awesome, though, because it was so subdued and dynamic. That's really a good way to describe the show all around - dynamic. They seem to have really worked on their arrangements and it shows. Was anybody else expecting a piano player, though? I thought they had a guy with them on that acoustic tour.

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