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Happy Birthday Fluffhead77


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The proper scotch egg has no inferiority. It is grander than a mere egg, more filling, more delicious, a nobler, better, higher thing. A just-set egg in sausage meat with a light and crisp crumb coating is a lovesome thing and worth every bit of the negligible effort involved in its preparation.

1. For the sausagemeat I used my favourite traditional English mix of savoury, sage, allspice and black pepper - around 2.5g of each plus 5g of salt to 500g of pork.

2. Chop the lot in a blender. Chunky is good for sausages but an absolute nightmare to wrap round a small, softish egg so go for a quite smooth finish.

3. Carefully place room temperature, medium size eggs in a pan of boiling water. After four and a half minutes, whip them out with a slotted spoon and plunge into iced water.

4. Peel the egg incredibly carefully. You may want to do this while they're still immersed in the ice water. Roll out your sausage meat between sheets of greaseproof paper. I've also rolled out a slice of black pudding to add an experimental extra layer to one egg.

5. Carefully fold the meat around the egg and seal. Refrigerate for half an hour to make handling easier.

6. Blitz some stale sourdough into coarse breadcrumbs ...

7. ... then dip the egg into a beaten egg wash, roll in the crumbs and repeat.

8. Fry in oil 3cms deep at 180C for 5 mins then hold in a 180C oven for another 5. Serve, while still hot, preferably with homemade piccalilly, to rapturous applause.

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