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Extremely Bad News


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Recently Leanne and I learned that our best friend Christine was involved in a very serious car accident on the weekend. On Saturday night around midnight, Christine was involved in a three-car accident on a country road in Grimsby. The other two drivers sustained only minor injuries. Christine was air-lifted from the scene of the accident and flown to Sunnybrook hospital where she now remains in critical care. We were told that she has suffered two collapsed lungs, a broken leg, a shattered pelvis, and a 35cm laceration to the bone, on one of her legs. She was scheduled for surgery on her pelvis on Tuesday but it was later rescheduled for today. She has been heavily sedated the entire time so no one has been able to find out anything from her. She has been responsive to several 'cognitive' tests that the doctors have been able to do including 'blinking' answers to certain questions. The doctors have been very careful to tell the family that they will know a lot more after the surgery has been completed and she has recovered for a couple of days. (At that point I suspect she won't have to be as heavily sedated.) She will be in critical care until at least the end of the weekend and we will not know anything more until that time. I will keep everyone posted with whatever information we are given.

Anyone that has met Christine knows that she is one of the most beautiful human beings, inside and out, to have ever graced this planet. She always has something nice to say, always has a smile on her face and always is enjoying life and her relationships with all the people around her. I don't know what else to say about it right now. I miss her and I love her and I hope she makes a complete and speedy recovery so that we can share some wine and some laughs together again.

I know that a lot of people here have met her so we thought it only fair that you know what has happened.

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oh Willy! Thanks for sharing this....Christine will not be out of my thoughts and prayers and hopes and wishes until I hear from you that her 'speedy recovery' is indeed well underway.

I'm keeping you & Leanne and Christine's family in my heart as well.

(((((((((((((((((((((Christine, you are loved by many))))))))))))))))))))))))

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I met her at ctmf and talked to her again at the PJC 5yr anniversay, and could not agree with you more Willy of how beautiful a person Christine really is ! I am in total shock right now :(


thanks for posting this Willy

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I'm really sorry to hear this news Willy. My sympathy goes out to you and Leanne as well as Christine. You know, I just met her at your place a few weeks ago and she really is a wonderful person. Please send her the best wishes from my family as soon as you are able and we will keep her in our thoughts. Be strong.


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Leanne mentioned this to me when I stopped by your place tonight Will, I'm at a loss for words & feel sick to my stomach. Christine is not only an important person in my life but is also a very strong girl, I have faith her recovery will be as swift as can be, my love & thoughts are with her.

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That is terrible news. She's such a wonderful gal. I know you guys are great friends and I'm so shocked and sorry that this has happened.

Please please keep us updated. I can't imagine what you or her family are feeling right now. It feels pretty bad having only met her a couple of times. She makes quite a wonderful and lasting impression.

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